|Part Eighteen|

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I rolled out into the moon lit sky and sighed. Orochimaru really messed up my knee, to the point where I was on house arrest for the next two weeks and in a wheelchair. Hence the reason why I was out so late.

I rolled along the path near the river. It was peaceful at night, and the reflection of the moon soothed me in more ways than one.

I heard a snap come from the trees behind me, making me jump in my wheelchair. There was no way for me to fight if someone came after me, and there was no way I could out run them in my state either.

I watched the edge of the shrubs closely until a man revealed himself

His hair was long, cascading down his back in a dark ponytail. He was wearing a jacket with a cloud like design, the front unzipped and in the dark his eyes shown a bright red.

"Itachi," I gasped.

He stepped closer to me, a small smile appearing on his face. "It's been a long time, (Y/N)."

Itachi kneeled down in front of me and placed his lips gently against my wrapped knee.

I felt a blush cross my cheeks and I looked at the water.

I remembered everything about Itachi. I remembered our friendship before my parents ran out, I remember how different my relationship with him was verses with Sasuke, and I could never forget how he kissed me the morning before the massacre.

It was a goodbye kiss, filled with more love than I've felt in a long time. My heart hurt a little more each day he'd been gone.

"(Y/N), Orochimaru did this to you and your child, didn't he?" Itachi asked, cupping my cheek.

"My child? What's wrong with my baby?" I asked, but Itachi didn't answer me, because he was gone.

He was never like a brother to me. I didn't love him the way I loved Sasuke, I loved him in the way I loved. . .

The world around me moved so that I was sitting in a bar with men yelling and catcalling women left and right.

I looked down to see my knee was completely healed.

What was going on?

"Can I have the strongest thing you can get me?" I asked the bartender. The words fell out of my mouth without my permission. I was inside my body, but I wasn't controlling it.

"Aren't you a little young to be consuming alcohol?"

I glared at the man behind the counter. "Was your whole family murdered today? I think not."

"Give it to her, it's on me." I looked up to see a man with a full faced mask staring down at me. "She needs it."

The bartender did as told and laid two drinks down in front of us. One for me, and one for the stranger.

"You were raised by an Uchiha family, huh?"

"Yeah," I mumble, taking a swig of the burning liquid.

This was my memory of when I first met Kakashi. He was twenty one and I was fourteen. At the time our relationship was a lot different. More like acquaintances.

"Do you know the living survivor? His name is Sasuke or something?"

I slammed my empty glass on the table and waved my hand for a refill. "We're done talking about that. I want to forget it happened."

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