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Start from the beginning

"Hi, I'm Yuri."

Obviously taken back, the boy looked at Yuri with slight shock, but smiled as the worry on his face disappeared "Hi Yuri, My names Phichit."

"Nice to meet you Phichit," Yuri celebrated, the boy beside him now having a name to accompany his face "what are you making?"

"I'm making a robot, and it's gonna destroy the world" Phichit laughed gracefully.

Yuri smiled, maybe he could get along with this guy.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yuri saw a little blonde boy finally take the glue.

It was one of the people who'd called him childish a few weeks prior.

Yuri grinned looking at Victor to see the same facial expression on the other boy too. This'll show him. This was the sweet bliss of payback.

"Wha-wh-what?!" The child whimpered as he opened the tub, the glue pouring all over his drawing of a kitten.

Yuri snorted while every one else gasped and looked in horror at the scene.

"Bummer" Yuri whispered to himself sarcastically as he grabbed a piece of paper and a couple of crayons, starting to draw a picture of him and Victor. He heard the child start crying but he paid no mind to it. Crying is a natural response to destruction. That's what he believed.

"Yuri, aren't you gonna come see the aftermath?" Victor asked looking over at the boy crying into their teachers arms.

Yuri just shook his head lightly. His mood had dropped. He didn't know why, but right now all he wanted was to concentrate on his own drawing. The drawing of him and Victor being old together, having their own house together and maybe even a poodle, or a few poodles. Sure, they were practically all stick men but he knew what he was trying to draw.

It made Yuri incredibly sad when Mari had told him he'd grow out of having Victor as a friend. Because Victor had always told him otherwise. He said he was always going to be here. He didn't know who to believe anymore. When Yuri got married and had children would Victor still be there? When Yuri grows old and goes insane, would he still be there then?

Yuri knew he was quite mature for his age, in a sense. Because Victor had told and taught him things that people in university would be learning. So all this all this school crap was just nonsense. Especially, when he had the best tutor wrapped right around his chubby little finger.

Yuri smiled slightly as he finished his drawing placing the crayon down beside it.

"That's beautiful Yuri, is that me?" Victor observed, he'd watched the small boy every second that he'd been drawing. The upset child long forgotten about in his eyes.

Yuri nodded as he blushed and looked down. He was bored now.

"Hey Yuri, That's a really good picture! I love poodles too! Do you like my robot?" The boy, Phichit, had admired. Now holding out a big robot made out of legos. Yuri hadn't noticed that Phichit was a very excitable person, until now that is. Not that Yuri minded, he was too.

"Woah, that's a really great robot" Yuri gasped in amazement.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"Yuri" Minako shouted from the entrance. She was here already? Yuri must've spent longer on his picture than he realised. Well that and the fact that he was also very late this morning.

He quickly grabbed his picture and said goodbye too the nice boy who'd sat beside him and made an awesome lego robot.

"Minako look," Yuri shoved the picture in her face "look Minako."

She pulled the picture from out her face and look down at the 'delightful drawing' "absolutely beautiful Yuri."

"That's me and Victor, w'ere gonna grow old together" Yuri knew Minako wouldn't question anything because there was a puppy in the picture too.

"Good god I hope not" Minako mumbled "Do I need to apologise to anybody's parents today?"

Yuri let out a chuckle as he gave her a innocent smile "maaayybbeee."

Minako rolled her eyes and held Yuri's small chubby hand with her left one and held the drawing in her right as they waited for the child's parents to arrive so that Yuri could confess and apologise, just like Minako would always make him do.

"Who was it today Yuri?"

"That person" Yuri pointed to the small blonde child he'd traumatised earlier on in the day. It looked like he was packing away his things away too.


Yuri was confused, Minako had already picked him up, who else would want to take him home? Some sort of Minako clone? A Minako and Mari hybrid? Yuri dread to think on.

As his train of thought stopped, the small boy had ran past them towards two people who'd just entered. Their name must be Yuri too. Oh. That made sense.

"Come on" Minako pulled Yuri along by her side "Hi there, Im sorry to interrupt, but we'd like to apologise for something Yuri here did in class today, so...go ahead Yuri."

Yuri grumbled and stomped his foot on the ground. Then crossed his arms and turned his head towards a nice looking piece of sting sitting on the floor.

"Don't wanna" he mumbled.

"Yuri. Say sorry."

"M'sorry, there. Can we go now?" Yuri mumbled.

"Haven't you had to apologise to us before?" The parents asked in a disgusted manner "Seriously? Get your child under control" Turning away the blond child gave a glare at Yuri, but Yuri just returned the glare and stuck out his tongue.

"Wa-Wait- what" Minako stuttered blushing at the thought of Yuri being her child. Some part of her felt pride while the rest was purely filled with dread. She completely ignored whatever else they'd said to her. She wasn't bothered by any of that.

"L-lets go Yuri."

"Good, I didn't wanna be here anymore anyway" Yuri preached seeing Victor walk beside him with a proud smile on his face.

- - -
hoi :333

The artist for the picture at the top: Cuteskitty | Tumblr

should i keep up the length of the chapters or would you like them to be longer or shorter? or do you like them the way they are?1??11? idk i need advice

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