Chapter 5. Differences.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not a baby, you don't have to bring me groceries. You and Kaine are starting to get overbearing" I complained watching him sit everything down. Malik opened my fridge revealing it was empty except for alcohol.

"If we didn't buy you food you'd eat out and drink your fucking life away. I thought you said you were trying to get it together? If Kaine stops paying for all of this then what? You'll be back living in his pool house or you'll be crashing with me and I know you don't want that" Malik said and I sighed and looked away.

"I don't have time to cook or else I would. Thank you for the groceries" I mumbled and my brother eyed me weirdly before he shook his head.

Malik remained silent as he removed groceries from the bag and sat it out so I could see what he'd gotten. The silence didn't last long however because soon after that Amaru came walking into the kitchen and greeted him with a head nod.

"Am I interrupting?" Amaru questioned and I shook my head. He leaned on the counter as Malik looked up at the both of us.

"Who'd you get the gun from? You live in a nice place, in a nice area and security that comes along with this place. What do you need a gun for?" Malik questioned.

"Why are you asking so many questions? It's New York, you never know when shit is going to pop off" I responded looking at Amaru on the low who glanced down briefly before looking at my brother.

"It's mine I don't know why he had it but it's not his" he responded and Malik glanced back and forth between the both of us.

"Which brings me back to what I said before. You live in a good area and there's security that comes with this building, why would you think someone was breaking in? Unless you're expecting someone will?" Malik questioned prying for more information.

"I was half asleep and I wasn't expecting Saint back home yet. This is your fault for coming unannounced. Anyway the gun isn't mine and there's nothing to try and figure out" I complained causing my brother to chuckle to himself.

"Something is wrong. You can confess now or wait until I figure it out and then come back and beat your ass" Malik threatened.

"I'm a grown ass man, brother or not stop threatening me. I told you there was nothing to worry about. I don't need you, Ajani or Kaine always popping up to check on me I'm not defenseless" I said through gritted teeth.

"Alright than grown man, from here on out buy your own groceries, or don't. Not my problem" Malik responded as he turned and started for the front door.

"You made it your problem" I responded under my breath and he stopped walking. Amaru looked at me before he grabbed my arm.

"Shut the fuck up" Amaru scolded and I sighed as Malik chuckled and left out slamming the door behind him.

I stood in silence staring at all of the food he'd brought before I began to put everything away, my entire morning had been fucked up.

"I should've never put you on. You out here lying to your family and distancing yourself away from them, you and Saint are out" Amaru said and I paused and looked at him. I went to speak until I saw the anger on his face and just shrugged it off.

"I'll get the money myself then" I said under my breath and he grabbed my arm turning me to look at him.

"This shit isn't something to fuck around with. You fuck up once and then that's it, your family can't save you. This is more about you wanting to prove your independence and showing your brothers you can take care of yourself then you actually wanting to do this shit. You have a good life Ron, you come from money and that's not a bad thing. Use it to your advantage and leave this shit to me" Amaru ranted.

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