The Dark Alleyway Behind Taki's

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"It is the first day and you scared another warlock away. What did you say to the Blue Boy?" Ramus was still standing behind the counter trying to count money. I know what you are thinking: Does Taki's get huge amount of business? The answer is no, Ramus is just bad at math.

"In my defense, I didn't know that warlock wasn't pregnant" I explained

"How did you not know? Warlocks can't get pregnant and most importantly HE WAS A MAN!"

"See, this is why I need training. And don't worry about Oliver. He is going to come back tomorrow with a date. I will make sure of it"

"It's funny how you think I care about his love life" he rolled his eyes and went back to counting the money. "55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60–"

"One. Two. Three" I said as he repeated after me

"Four. Five. Six—Hey! I see what you did there! You made me lose my count. Now I have to start over again" he said. It was funny because he was so frustrated as he has been counting money since the morning. "Do not laugh! It is not funny!"

"It's a little funny" I said

"You're demoted to Bus boy, who also takes orders"

"That's what I do now"

"No back talking!"

"Aye Aye captain!" I saluted him and went into the storage room to make a quick phone call. The storage room was filled with frozen bats, Potatoes, sheep blood, and other various things.

"Hello! Ophelia speaking" the voice from the phone said

"Hey, it's me" I said



"Which one?"

"Which one! There is only one that you know. Rona Blackwright. The girl you always tattle on. I am pretty offended that my name is not saved on your phone"

"What do you want?" She sounded bored


"I have very important things to do. So get to the point"

"You like Oliver, right? I mean you did give Magnus your number to give it to Oliver"

"I thought I was giving it to the High Warlock of Orlando" she was referring to the first day I had met Oliver and we had went on an adventure to make some deliveries.

"High Warlock or not, you like Oliver and he likes you—"

"He likes me?" I could hear the glee in her voice

"Yup. So why not have another date?"

"I like him. I really do, but he is a new-born. He just stopped aging too. He is in that stage where is thinks everyone is going to leave him behind. I tried to see past that but he kept talking non stop about how he will see his mother age and die. Death is a major turn off. Honestly, the only highlight of my date was you giving Oliver the creepy stare"

Inverse( A Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя