Ch. 33 (PG): Ankles and Feet, Heads and Hearts

Depuis le début

John: "Margaret dear, let me help you put on your shoes before Mr. Ogilvy arrives."  Then as John does this, he turns to his sister who has sat down on the othter side of Mrs. Watson.  "Fanny, you should put your shoes back on as well."

Fanny: "What about Carlotta?  Are you going to order her to put her shoes on, too?"

Carlotta: "No need.  I should be going anyway.  Clarence and I have luncheon plans, and I must put Clementina down for her nap before we go. Thank you for a lovely visit, Margaret and Fanny."  They smile and nod and her.  Then Carlotta adds wincingly.  "But I will need help putting my shoes back on." She winces sheepishly.

John: Flustered, he begs off as he stands up and steps back.   "I ...  I can not assist you, Mrs. Watson, without touching your feet and ankles--and respectfully, that, I can not do."  He turns crimson.  For no man should ever gaze upon, let alone touch, another man's wife's feet and ankles--nor anything else upon her person. 

Fanny:  Kneeling down in front of Carlotta, Fanny offers sweetly as she smiles at Carlotta.  "I will help you, Carlotta." 

Carlotta: "Thank you, Fanny." Carlotta smiles gratefully as Fanny helps her with donning her shoes.

Then Fanny turns to her brother and makes a face while sticking her tongue out at him. And Margaret has to cover her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle for her husband John's priggishness.


After  Mrs. Watson and little Clementina are safely on their way home, it is now half past 11 o'clock Saturday morning--and Baird Ogilvy has still not arrived.  Looking forlornly out the window for his carriage, Fanny turns back to John and Margaret sitting together on the parlor sette holding hands and kissing tenderly [(8) right].    Margaret finds that she and John sweetly kissing always calms him down. 

Fanny:  Fanny smiles and shakes her head at her brother and sister-in-law kissing in the parlor--with her present.  Her brother Johnny would never have done that before Margaret. But then, John had no one to kiss with before Margaret.  Then Fanny says sotto voce to herself. "Where can Baird be?  Don't English trains run on time?"

John: Having heard his sister's whine, John lifts his head up from kissing his wife and suggests. "Fanny.  Baird is only a little past his time.  There might have been carriage traffic in town that delayed him."

Margaret: "Or maybe he is laboring here mightily with a gift for you, Fanny."  She jests.

Fanny: "Oh!"  She smiles eagerly.  Fanny likes presents.

John: "Margaret, Please don't encourage Fanny.  Baird will have a difficult enough time as it is reigning in her expenses when they are married."

Fanny:   "But I'm not married yet, and your so called allowance of five pounds a week that I am to keep to is positively inhuman."  She wails dramatically.

Peeking his head around the parlor door, Baird Ogilvy asks.

Baird: "What is inhuman?"  He smiles inquisitively [(9) right].

Fanny: "Baird!"  Fanny jumps up and down and runs into his arms and kisses him excitedly--all mention of allowances forgotten. 

Baird: "Fiona!  I have missed ye!"  Baird kisses Fanny back and smiles at her as he swings her around in his arms.  "Ha ha ha ha ha!

John: "KKKHHH!"  John coughs loudly to get their attention as he stands up from the sette.  He assists Margaret in also standing.  Then John holds out his hand to Baird. "It is good to see you again, Baird."

Baird: "John!"  He releases Fanny and shakes John's hand.  "It is good to see you."

Margaret: "And how did you arrive without our knowing?"  She asks quizzically.

"N&S:  John Thornton, Love Lessons", by Gratiana Lovelace (2013-2014) (Done)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant