"I'm not leaving you." She stubbornly responded. 

"Then take my bed." 

"No, I can take the couch. You need to get some sleep Harry." 

"I'm not tired." 

"Neither am I." Her stubbornness not backing down. 

Harry let out a frustrated sigh. His fingers gripped the mug tighter and his shoulders tensed. "Don't fight me on this, Ava." She moved from the sink and walked over to the window. She leaned her shoulder against it and looked out. The light from the streetlamp lit up the neighborhood. The air from the window cooled her heated body right down. It was the only fresh air that Harry had gotten over the span of three days. They stood there in silence once again, neither one budging from their spot. 

"The only way I am going to bed is if you come with me." She turned and looked at him. His curls were being held back by a black beanie. His white shirt stained from the glass of whiskey that he spilled earlier that evening. His jeans were long gone, leaving him in only his boxers. His eyes were rimmed black due to the sleep he was not gaining. He looked like a mess. Her mess, her subconscious reminded her. 

His bloodshot eyes made contact with her. She was not backing down from this. He needed sleep. His body was worn out from the chain smoking and constant drinking. Not only that, but from the news. He needed to rest. 

"I'll be there in a bit." His voice raspier than before due to the cigarettes. 

"No, we are either going to stay out here together or we are going into that room together." She placed her hands on her hips. She was not going to back down from this. He was going to let her stubbornness win. He had no other choice. 

He rolled his eyes and got up. He towered over her but turned around and made his way to the kitchen. He placed the mug in the sink and grabbed another beer bottle from the fridge. 

"No more." She took it from him and placed it back in the fridge. "You've had enough for today." She kept her voice soft. She didn't want to anger him, but she knew that he couldn't keep up the binge drinking. She wouldn't allow it. 

Once again he rolled his eyes and walked into the bedroom. He pulled his beanie and shirt off throwing it to the floor leaving him in only his boxers. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a worn out Queen shirt. "Here." He gave it to her and stumbled into the bed. "Don't sleep in your jeans." Even when he was angry he still looked after her. His love was still there. 

Ava nodded and slowly slipped off her sweater and leggings. She threw the shirt on and shut the light. The only source now being from the window in the living room. She slipped into the small bed and wrapped herself in his duvet. She stared at the ceiling. Her mind was refusing to sleep. Even though her body was telling her otherwise, all she could think about was how much she was worried for him. She slowly looked over and noticed that his eyes were wide open. His left arm draped over his head and the other on his chest. His breathing was heavy and fast. She turned her body so that she was curled up against him, her head facing his. 

"What are you thinking about?" She whispered. 

"I don't want to talk about this right now." His voice was sharp, startling her slightly. 

"Are you going to ever talk about it?" 

"I don't know, Ava. Go to sleep." 

"I can't sleep when I know that you're hurting. Seeing you like this is killing me." She confessed to him. She could feel a small tear slip down her cheek. She was thankful for the darkness, keeping her tear discreet. 

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