The Honeymoon pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Well excuse me for feeling romantic on my wedding day." The low rumbling of Sherlock's voice in John's ear sent shivers down his spine, and he placed his glass beside Sherlock's before pulling him closer, kissing him in earnest. He pulled back to run a hand through Sherlock's hair, and smiled at the way Sherlock's eyes fluttered closed.

"Well I'm feeling more than just romantic." Sherlock opened his eyes and smirked, then brought a hand to John's chin and tilted his head up to kiss him. John's tongue swiped across Sherlock's plump bottom lip and his lips parted, granting him access.

Icing and champagne mixed with a taste that was purely Sherlock, and when Sherlock wrapped his arms around him and he could smell his cologne John nearly went into sensory overload. Soon it became apparent that both men were wearing far too many clothes, and John pulled away to begin working on removing Sherlock's tuxedo jacket. It was removed with relative ease and then a pair of large hands began working to divest John of his clothing as well. When both men were stripped down to almost nothing their lips reunited in a tender kiss. Their movements were now unhurried, as if they had all the time in the world. In John's mind they did; They had the rest of their lives to be together. He felt himself smiling, and when Sherlock pulled back he was smiling as well.

Sherlock allowed John to steer him over to the bed and lay him down in the center of the rose petal heart. He looked so perfect like that, hair disheveled, eyes dark and pupils blown wide, lips red from kissing and face so open, so unguarded. It was certainly a picturesque moment, but John wouldn't dare leave now to go get a camera. He climbed onto the bed, hovered over Sherlock, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I love you," he said. Sherlock only grunted in response and lifted his hips, allowing John to remove the final article of clothing he was wearing, and Sherlock was left fully exposed beneath him. John paused once more, completely taken aback at the sight of Sherlock spread out beneath him in the middle of a rose petal heart, wearing nothing but his wedding ring. John realized this was not 'shagging his flatmate' or even 'taking his fiancé to bed'. He was making love to his husband and the thought of it made John so happy his cheeks hurt from smiling. He smiled down at Sherlock, who in turn propped himself up on his elbows and stared at John, his expression both amused and questioning.

"You're gorgeous," John murmured, mostly to himself. Sherlock sighed and rolled his eyes, but his voice was affectionate as he smiled at John.

"Yes, well, you can admire my beauty later. As for now..."

John didn't let him finish his sentence. He recaptured Sherlock's lips and allowed long, thin fingers to help him out of his own pants. Once John was freed of all his clothing Sherlock's hands began to roam across John's skin, hot and only slightly clammy.

John was glad they hadn't waited until marriage. It was nice to already be so comfortable with Sherlock, to know exactly where to put his lips to drive him mad, to know exactly what buttons to push to have his lover writhing beneath him.

John might have taken a bit longer than usual to prepare Sherlock, but this was their first time together as husbands. He wanted it to be as enjoyable as possible for all parties involved. Sherlock, however, was a bit less appreciative of the extra preparation.

"I'm not going to break, John!" he snapped. "Get on with it!"

"Always the impatient one," John mumbled, though he decided to add a little extra stimulation to appease his husband. When his lips closed around Sherlock he appeared to forget every word of his expansive vocabulary, save for one name which he repeated on every exhale. By the time John figured Sherlock was ready he was a quivering mess, and when he finally took hold of Sherlock's hips and thrust in Sherlock cried out so loud John was certain all of England knew what was going on.

A Study In Marriage (Johnlock) - Sequel to A Study in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now