Chapter 2

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In the planet called Coruscant, Anakin, Obi Wan, Padme and Jar Jar were having a meeting about who is trying to kill Padme who is now a Senator, when they were about to leave, the wind came and everyone stepped back as the light appeared

Then Grace came from the light and it disappeared, she turned around and saw them

"Guys?" Grace said

"Grace" they said

Then Grace saw Anakin and said "Anakin, is that you?"

Anakin said "yes it's me"

"Wow you're tall" she said

"It's been 10 years since we saw you" Obi Wan said "I don't get why you're still 5"

"To me it's been a week" Grace said

"You know what" Anakin said "I'm glad you're still 5"

"Why" Grace said

"Because, I wouldn't do this" Anakin said when he picked her up and spinning her around as she giggled

He puts her on his hip, as Obi Wan was talking to another guy, Jar Jar and Anakin were talking and Anakin said about Padme "she hardly recognize me, Jar Jar. I thought about her every day since we parted and.... she's forgotten me completely"

"Shesa happy, happier den mesa seein her in a long time" Jar Jar said

"You're focusing on the negative, Anakin be mindful of your thoughts, she was pleased to see us and even Grace " Obi Wan said then he gave Grace rub on the back "now, let's check the security" and they left

At night, Grace was sleeping in a bedroom while Anakin and Obi Wan were having a conversation about Padme who was sleeping in the other bedroom

Then a while later, Grace woke up from a commotion what was coming from Padme's room, hears a window break, so she got up, ran to Padme's room, saw Anakin told Padme to stay and he runs off

"What happened?" Grace said as she yawns

"I don't know, sweetie" Padme said "but Anakin and Obi Wan are working on it"

Grace's Adventure In Star Wars: Attack Of The ClonesWhere stories live. Discover now