Chapter 1

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It's been a week since Grace went to her first adventure, she's been watching some Star Wars movies and she looks forward to go there someday

One day, Grace was cleaning a window when a mean girl named Meghan came to her, picks up the bucket of water, pours it on Grace and she said being mean "oops"

When she left, Grace leaned against the wall, sliding down and started crying

Martha noticed her, she came to her and she said "Grace, what happened?"

"Meghan poured the bucket of water on me" Grace explained

"Again? Don't worry, I'll clean it up while you clean yourself" Martha said as she hands her a towel

Grace nods, grabs the towel, ran into her room, went on her bed and started sobbing in the towel

"Why does Miss Fickle and the other girls hate me so much?" Grace thought "I didn't do anything to them"

Lilly knocked the door, come in and said "hey Grace... why are you crying?"

"Meghan poured the bucket of water on me when I was cleaning the window" Grace said

"What? First it was Becky and now Meghan" Lilly said "I can't believe she did that to you, again"

"Um Lilly, I love you but can I just be alone for a while" Grace asked

"Oh okay well I'll be in my room if you need me" Lilly said, she closed the door and left

When Grace was finishing drying herself, she noticed her lightsaber toy that Martha gave her, she picked it up and started pretending that she was a Jedi

Then she said to herself "I just wish I can go back to the Star Wars movie and maybe see Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan Kenobi"

Then the wind came, the light appeared making Grace smile and she immediately ran into the light and it disappeared

Grace's Adventure In Star Wars: Attack Of The ClonesWhere stories live. Discover now