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Day 01 . Favorite Song.?

Day 02 . Places you want to visit.?

Day 03 . Favorite memory from childhood.?

Day 04 . Worst memory from childhood.

Day 05 . Best job you ever had.?

Day 06 . Worst job you ever had.?

Day 07 . Best day of your life.?

Day 08 . Worst day of your life.?

Day 09 . Favorite singer.?

Day 10 . Random fact about you.?

Day 11 ? Anything you want to post about.?

Day 12 . Favorite place in the world.?

Day 13 . Addictions.?

Day 14 . Guilty Pleasures.?

Day 15 . What you wanted to be as a child.?

Day 16 . Favorite music.?

Day 17 . Favorite musicals/plays.?

Day 18 . Random fact about you.?

Day 19 . Person you tell everything to.?

Day 20 . Person you can't live without.?

Day 21 . Anything you want to post about.?

Day 22 . Photo of something in your home.?

Day 23 . Photo of something in your vehicle.?

Day 24 . Random fact about you.?

Day 25 . Favorite clothing.?

Day 26 . Hometown location and facts.?

Day 27 . Favorite story.?

Day 28 . A concert you have attended.?

Day 29 . Photo of you.?

Day 30 . Anything you want to post about.?

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