But they do know, that with each other's presence, they feel complete. They feel happy to have each other's back and that's all that really matters.

Are they friends? Yes.

Are they lovers? Possibly.

But they've made up and maybe there's still feelings lingering between them. They just can't fully show it.

With graduation on its way, they're bound to have a new life, a new beginning. And they're going to welcome it together, with Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung.

And whatever happens, they'll be there for each other.

x          x          x          x

yoongiboongboong: jimin?

jiminsthighs: yes, hyung?

yoongiboongboong: do you still like me?

jiminsthighs: what if i do?

yoongiboongboong: because i still like you.

jiminsthighs: i like you too, hyung.

yoongiboong: no wait- i love you.

jiminsthighs: i love you more. ❤

yoongiboongboong: ❤

Jungkook: you guys do know this is a groupchat right?

urbantaetionary: i miss my urban dictionary

HobsSeokJungHopeHobi: jUST dAtE aLreaDY :B

monie: What did y'all give Hobi that he's typing like that?

jinie: I gave him cereal.

monie: Oh-

yoongiboongboong: can you guys just leave us alone? pricks

Jungkook: Ya knoe, theres this thing called pm. think u should use it sometimes

jiminsthighs: ㅡ 3ㅡ

urbantaetionary: ㅡ 3ㅡ

HobsSeokJungHopeHobi: hAhAhahqHhaAhhAhahAha

monie: Your username is filling the screen Hobi ffs

HobsSeokJungHopeHobi: lOL

monie: I'm leaving. Let's go, Jin

jinie: oki. Bye, kids!

urbantaetionary: Bye, mom!

HobsSeokJungHopeHobi: ㅇ    ㅂ   ㅇ

yoongiboongboong: ^ he's freaking me out. Let's leave as well, chim

jiminsthighs: aIGHT! BYE GUYS!

Jungkook: What's with everyone and their goodbyes?

urbantaetionary: BYE!

HobsSeokJungHopeHobi: BYEE!

Jungkook:.... maybe i should start dating as well. would probably be one of the normals.

urbantaetionary: i know a place!

Jungkook: no, not that one

urbantaetionary: matchpals.com never brought us down!

Jungkook: gbye

the end.



do u guys know why the title of this book is match pals now?

because yoongi and jimin are pals, and they match.

aye aye ok

but that's about it! i feel so much at ease now that this book has finally ended

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but that's about it! i feel so much at ease now that this book has finally ended. don't get me wrong, i LOVED writing this book. but i've encountered a lot of difficulties while doing so, so i thought i wouldn't be able to finish it the way i want it to or it would take like fucking centuries before i do so.

but i'm glad it's over!

i'm sorry if you didn't like the ending, but hopefully some of you did?

i appreciate all the encouraging and random comments you've written through out this entire series. they helped me a lot to continue writing this book and gave me so much motivation. i just want you guys to know that. (:

ily all so much. thank you once again! ❤❤❤ i'll come back with better stories soon~


(this legit sounded like an awarding speech bye)

(this legit sounded like an awarding speech bye)

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^^ drunk yoongi errbody

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