No Hope Is Hopeless { ; }

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He wished for the melodious hums of birds to be his alarm each day break.
And for the peaceful sound of crashing waves to be his lullaby at night.

But it felt like a wish without substance.
Just like sailing paper boats, and expecting it to stay afloat for hours.

He longed for a night that he could close his eyes and be just a foreigner in dreamland.
But  he was always met with the same routine of sleepless nights.

He hoped for a day, that someone would see through his façade,
But he never wanted to be judged.

He hoped for the day his dad would look at him and not see a failure.
And the day his mum would not treat him as a mistake, and the cause of her torn family.

He felt like an outcast in his world,
Surrounded by people that were meant to show him the true meaning of life, but didn't.

He grew up without love,
But yet still had a heart as soft as cloud and fragile as an egg.

He was dying slowly and longed for escape,
But there was non to save his fading soul.
He felt his hope was hopeless. And had given up all reasons he had left to survive.

Just when he thought about letting go of all the struggles,
And taking his life with his own hands,

A savior came crashing into his life, like a hurricane on an unexpected day.
Ridding him of all the sad moments, and creating happy ones with him.

She saw through his fake smiles and unshed tears,
But never for once judged him.

She showed him love and the true worth of life.
Rather than look at him with pity.

She was his savior and a result of all his hoping.
She made him realize that his story was not yet over.


Hey guys,

I know it seems like ages since I last updated. But writing poems is not something you do spontaneously. It needs motivation and inspiration. But still, I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging.

Anyways, I don't know what inspired me to write this piece. But as I was writing, I felt like it could save a life or two.
So if you plan on doing anything as stupid as taking your life away after reading this poem, please think twice. Your life is far more important than what others think or say about you.

Heck you may be fat, skinny, Negro, Caucasian or Mongolian . You may have the worst luck when it comes to acnes and spots. But it's part of what makes you to be you.
Just so you know, God made each person to be unique. Just because you're not good at one thing or you think you are terrible at something and bad at everything, It doesn't mean you aren't good at other things.

You never know what wonders you can do if you never test the waters.

Remember, Your Story Is Not Yet Over ;

You could share this and save a friend or someone you know.


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