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As I was typing this. I sat down in my bed in deep thought. I reminded myself of everything that had happened and where I was now. To this day I keep reviewing every single event, every single course of action I took, trying to see where I could have gone wrong. What could I have done better and how could I do anything now. I found myself grasping onto straws of some "hope". Trying to escape this hell I found myself in. I remember on the first day, I pictured myself three years later. Finished the state exams, at the hotel reception for Junior night, thinner than I was walking with my friends and my boyfriend, holding his arm. I tried so hard to make it a reality. I toiled and worked so hard, pushing through my upbringing to try and make myself my own future, my own new reality. But in the end, nothing ever really works out for everyone, does it?

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