Sasq-Watch Where You're Going!

Start from the beginning

Kitty: (gets up) Okay. Fine. I guess I am glad to have people to make me feel better like you guys.

Bridgette: Yeah everything will be ok Kitty. Just be sure to look out for some people... (meaning Heather)

Jen: Oh no! Only five more minutes to get ready! I need more time to finish my make-up!

(At the forest entrance)

Chris: Ok campers! Ready for your next challenge?

Ryan: I'm pretty sure we are.

Noah: Yeah, that's why we're here (mutters) idiot.

Carrie: (sighs sadly) Whatever.

(In confessional)
Devin: I just can't stand to see Carrie so upset like this! I just love her so much and I hate that this stupid show is affecting our relationship. (Sighs)
(End confessional)

Chris: Alright! Your challenge is to search the forest for the giant, hideous, scary Sasquatchanakwa! Then your team must bring the Sasquatch back to me in order to win the challenge!

Mike: Seems straight forward enough.

Chris: So get going already! (Blows whistle)

(Ferocious Tigers)

Sky: Where do you think we should search, guys?

Dave: Just follow me guys, I'm an awesome leader!

Lightning: Yeah right you loser!

Mike: I know this place pretty well. We should search the center of the forest and work our way out. That sound good?

Bridgette: Yeah. But do you think we should split up? Or try to stick together?

Tom: Maybe split into two groups?

Sky: Sounds good! Lightning, Geoff, Bridgette, Mike, and Dave come with me. And Devin, Kitty, Heather, Alejandro, Tom, and Jen can be a group. Ok?

Alejandro: Perfect! Let's get going! (The team's starts to walk into the forest)

Jen: (grabs Tom's arm) Wait up, Tom. Before we search for the Sasquatch, I think we should go try to find that footage of what really happened between Kitty and Devin. That way I can fix everything and everyone can be friends.

(Heather makes Alejandro wait with her and they eavesdrop on Tom and Jen)

Tom: Jen you are the sweetest person I know! Let's do it! Our friends need us.

Jen: Yes! We are great people. And very fashionable may I add. (They walk off to Chris' newly built cottage)

Heather: (to Alejandro) That gives me an even better idea. We need to search for the footage from that episode and find bad footage to make sure Kitty, Devin, and Carrie all stay mad. We'll make them look like jerks and people will be sure to vote them off.

Alejandro: Brilliant plan Heather! We just have to make sure our teammates don't find out we're ditching the challenge to do this.

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