I've never seen her so lifeless...so helpless...

"She'll need x-rays and probably an MRI when we get to the hospital to see if she needs any type of surgery, if anything is broken, and if she has a concussion."

"Ok." I nodded quickly, sniffing a little and the woman handed me a wipe, which I used to help wipe the blood off my hands.

I reached for Bella's hand then, holding it in mine and scooted a little closer.

She couldn't get mad at me for holding her hand now. She wasn't conscious. She wouldn't know.

But she's ok right now. She's ok.

Her hand wasn't warm...but it wasn't cold either...it was like she was just clinging to life.

She'd be dead if I wouldn't have found her.

The paramedics were all talking to each other, so I reached up with my other hand, running the back of my hand against her cheek.

It was the same as her hand.

Not warm, but not cold. Only clinging onto life.

I closed my eyes, not caring if a tear slipped down my cheek and I started crying in front of them.

I wanted my Bella back.

I just wanted her to know I loved her. I had seriously screwed up. She hated me. I had broken her heart just like I promised I wouldn't.

I don't even know why I thought I had the slightest chance of her taking me back.

When the ambulance slowed, I knew we were at the hospital, and they opened the back doors, lifting her down and rushed her inside. I quickly followed, pulling it together a little now that I was here.

"Hey, you're not going to be able to come with us, ok? But when they know anything someone will come out and get you. It just might be a little while." The woman from earlier said to me, keeping me behind as they took Bella away.

"She's going to be ok, right?"

"Yeah, I think so. They're going to see."

"Thank you."

"Of course." She smiled, then caught up with them, my eyes wandering over to the waiting room, then I saw the tv. Her school was right there, still on fire, but there were a few fire trucks trying to put it out.

I sat down, shaking a little bit from everything, then pulled out my phone and called Sean.

"Hello? Justin? I'm in a meeting...is everything ok?"

"I'm sorry sir, but your daughter..." I was choking on the words, closing my eyes see see her laying in the ambulance. "I'm at the hospital. There was an explosion at her school. I rode in the ambulance with here here and they took her back for and MRI and some X-rays...I wanted you to know...It's on the news."

"What's wrong with her? Is she hurt? Is she conscious?"

"No, no she's not." I shook my head, my eyes down on my knees. "Conscious I mean...she's hurt. They think she's going to be ok though. Now it's a waiting game."

"I'll try to come up. Will you keep me updated?"

"Of course sir."

"Thank you Justin."

"You're welcome." I hung up, another group of paramedics flying in with someone else on a stretcher.

I called Mom next, my stomach turning...palms sweating.

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