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Profile picture: 5/10Doesn't exactly match your book Covers but it does to the header

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Profile picture: 5/10
Doesn't exactly match your book Covers but it does to the header. Not really my favorite but I feel like it can be better :)

Header image: 7/10
The header image is nice it matches the profile but I recommend using a light pink kinda shade since the book Covers are the major part of the account and you'll like to match it ;D

Display name: 10/10
I really like it matches the anime theme you're doing. (Btw can you tell me what it means? XD)

Bio: 5/10
Your bio needs a bit more information ;D maybe a quote or something about yourself.

Location: 10/10
I love it xD

Book covers: 9/10
I like your book covers a lot it's very aesthetic but you can always add a book title on the picture.

Username: 10/10
I like it :)

Overall: 6/10
Overall the account might need a little fixing! But anime themes are really hard to do ( in my opinion xD) so you can change the theme or you can use the little tips I gave you ;3;

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