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"Hey you, yeah you. Come here", some guy that I don't recognize said to me as I walk out of school.

I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Harper, Harper Deal. I'm a sophomore at Saint Ron High School. I'm 15 and I have some "friends" here because I just moved here from California. My mom made us move because of my dumbass dad and his new gf that's almost 8 years younger than him. Anyway about that random guy, I've never seen him before and he might be new but I don't have any interest in talking with him. The reason I was walking out of school was because I just threw up in front of my WHOLE class while doing a presentation. All the people laughed even the damn teacher, like wtf is wrong with you. Anyway I wasn't going to stay in there any longer than I had to. I stayed in there long enough to get cleaned up and then left, bc do you know how embarrassing that is.. very.

"Harper, Harper Deal come here right now" random guy said. "Look I don't know who the hell you are, but I really don't want to know or talk to you right now" I said in the most frustrated tone I could give.

I really don't want to talk with him at this moment so I started walking a little faster to get to my bike (I know gay right, but in 3 months I get my license and a car!). I keep walking and then I hear footsteps on the cement. So I pick up my pace into a fast jog, but his pace gets faster to. So at this point I'm running as fast as I can to get away from this psychopath of a person. I'm almost at my bike when I feel a firm hand grab my wrist and jerk me around to face him.

"LET ME GO YOU CREEP" I practically screamed at him. "I'm not gonna hurt you just stfu and let me talk".

"Ok gah what do you want from me and how do you know me and why are-" he stops me mid sentence,"Calm down with all the questions and I'll answer give you the answers one by one".

"Ok well first one, what's your name?" I asked kinda puzzled. "Jonah, Jonah Maidenn" he said.

"You got 5 more" he said like I've known him my whole life or something.Pffttt the nerve or this guy. "Umm ok, we'll do you even go to this school?"

"Well um I-I kinda do but I don't at the same time. I mean I did but-Ok enough of that" . He doesn't know. What?!? Ok this is so weird I can't even.

"What?! Ok I'm so confused how do you not know if you go to this school?"

"That's a third question. 2 more"

" WHAT?!?? NO that wasn't one of them you douche"

I said so frustrated I could scream. UGGGGFGFFGG. I guess I'll scream internally.

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