Part 2

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"I'm Jonathan and yes, it is raining very heavily, I need to go home and you should too! " he said.

My brain told me to leave ASAP but what was it that was keeping me from going away? I felt frustrated at that moment and just stood there.

"Hello? Are you leaving? Alright, I've gotta go, catch ya later! " he said and off he went while I still stood there wondering why the devil didn't I move or why I kept following him.

As I kept wondering and looked up to see if he was still around, he was nowhere to be seen as he truly did vamoose out of the place.

He dropped out of sight like the sun behind the clouds above me and the unforeseen weather started disturbing everything around with its impulsive droplets of rain descending from the sky.

Luckily, I had my car parked in the street and ran quickly to it, adjusting my focus to reach home.

When I finally reached my dwelling, an air of ease surrounded me and I felt safe.

It was 11:20 PM but there was no one to ask me where I've been because I lived alone.

As I turned on my laptop, my phone blew up.

It was a call from an unknown number and it felt strange coming at this time.

"Who is calling me? " I wondered.

I decided to take the call since it felt like a strange day anyway so my mind convinced me there is nothing crazier than me chasing an unknown man down the street!

" Hello? " I said. Silence. Not a word from the other side. Then, slowly I heard a screeching noise which kept getting louder. So loud I quickly pushed the phone away in a disgusted fashion.

As soon as I did that, the lights went out.

That made me suddenly remember that my friend who came over the other day took the only torch I had left in the house for emergencies. I didn't have anything that could help me see clearly at the very moment except for a slight burst of the street lamp lights breaking through my blinds.

Feeling terrified, I didn't make a sound and deeply clenched my nails into a pillow cushion on my sofa. 

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