Black and Blue/Shulk x Reader

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3rd Person POV
It was just a normal Summer day in the Smash Mansion. Pit and Pittoo yelling and fighting, the young smashers playing with their toys, so on and so forth. (Y/N) was sitting with some of her friends, Lucina, Rosalina, Princess Peach, and Zero Suit Samus.
Reader's POV
I took a bite out of my sandwich and Rosalina and Peach started gossiping about boys again. And I knew exactly where it was going... "Oh (Y/N)! Take a look over there," Peach said giggling as she pointed to a table at the other side of the room. There sat Link, Ike, Marth, and my crush... Shulk. I sighed, blushed and looked away. "Awww, she can't even look at him without blushing!" Samus teases. "You should confess to him!" says Lucina. "W-What?! N-No way! He likes Fiora back in his homeland..." I mumbled. "C'mon (Y/N), you'll never know until you try," pestered Rosalina. I shook my head. "No way..." I say blushing. I stand up and throw my trash away. "Well, I'm off to go train," I say, and I wave to my friends goodbye.
Goddamnit (Y/N), pull yourself together! I thought. I was inevitably again, thinking of Shulk. Because of this, I was definitely not paying attention to where I was going. Thud. "Owwww..." I whine. I had walked straight into a wall.
"I saw that one coming," someone said in a familiar English accent. "Sh-Shulk?!" I turn around to see none other than the Monado boy, and I immediately look down with a tomato for a face. "Oh my Bionis, (Y/N) are you okay? Your nose!" Shulk exclaimed, worriedly. My nose did hurt... a lot, and it was starting to turn black and blue. I blush an even darker shade of crimson. "Come back with me to my room, I'll get you an ice pack," Shulk says, grabbing me by the wrist, pulling me along back to his room.
Shulk motions for me to sit on the bed, and I do so. He comes back with an ice pack, and places it on my nose. "Th-Thank you..." I mumble as, if it's even possible, my blush darkens. "(Y-Y/N)... I have something to confess..." Shulk stutters. "Y-Yes..?" I reply.
"W-Well, I uh- uhm... I've been meaning to t-tell you that you've... been on my mind more and more recently, and I started t-to realize..." a tint of pink appeared on the blonde's cheeks, "that I lik- no... That I-I love you." He finishes as he pulls the ice pack away from my nose and kisses it. "Sh-Shulk..." I stuttered. "I-I love you too!" I say, pulling him in for a short yet sweet kiss on his soft lips. "R-Really?" Shulk asks. "Of course," I smile and reply. He pulls me in for a tender kiss once more and I melt straight into it.

Maybe walking into that wall was a good thing after all....
(A/N) EEEEEK! I love Shulk so much! It was awfully short but I hope it was enjoyable. Thank you and see ya!

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