Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Elizabeth Kahn's POV

Usually I read books or stare out the window when I am bored, not hacking government files. Yesterday my Japanese mom and my American dad were on a Skype call with some other people talking about nuclear warfare about to happen. I was typing quickly on the black laptop that my mother owns and soon enough I hacked into the files. No regular​ nine year old can do this but I am not about to boast since I don't understand really how to show it or say it. A document appears under top secret and I continue to read it. This makes sense as to why my mother sent us to the US. Apparently nuclear warfare is within days, and my father and mother isn't here either. They would want me to survive this, I quickly grab a binder and a few books and push them to the bunker my family has. I rush back upstairs and grab anything needed and run back down to the bunker, I did this a few times before realizing I didn't have much time. Why? Because the ground was violently shaking and I can see out the large silver window that something was dropped in the distance. Luckily I am far enough not to be effected by radioactivity. I rush downstairs nearly tripping a few times as the ground shakes even more violently and the explosion comes closer. At the last step I tripped and face-planted into the cement floor but that didn't really affect me and I push myself off the ground and sit down waiting for this to pass.

Riley Davidson's POV

I was gonna water the plants outside my house. Usually my American mom does this but right now she isn't home which isn't weird, she told me that there and town hall meeting she wanted to attend. While walking I ended up tripping over nothing, again, and spilled the water all over the porch and me. I hate these stupid glasses! All they do is mess up my vision even more, why do I even have to wear them? I push myself off the ground and look up to see something in the distance. I would have went back inside but something told me to look closer at it.

"What is that?" I ask my self and take off my glasses and tuck my brown long hair behind my ear. My vision enhances and I can see perfectly again and see a bomb being dropped.

"What the?" I say before it hits the ground and shakes the place. I fall again but push myself up and grab my glasses and make a bolt for the laundry room, which is located in the basement. I didn't even make it past the first step before falling and tripping down the staircase. I ended up hitting my head pretty hard and feel a liquid go down the side of my head before blacking out.

Ivory's POV

Everyday had started put the same, except today. Instead of being woken up at 5:30 am and taking a shower, then eating a breakfast that consisted of an orange, a glass of water, and two non buttered toasted bread. And then heading to class at six, my home was... Empty. I started slamming my hands against the glass of he test tube that I had spent most of my life in. I was screaming, I thought mommies and daddies weren't supposed to abandon their children..Oh, wait. I am not their child, I forgot...They told me that I am not their child and nor will I ever be. I was only used for experiments. I sink to the floor feeling my eyes burn, but refusing to allow the tears to fall. The ground started to shake, I stood up and laid my hands on the glass....Bombs? The glass started to crack and I backed away as the glass shatters. I stare at the glass for a few seconds before I ran towards the door and head down to the underground laboratory. When I went into the basement I sank down with my back against the wall with my hands over my ears to block out the noise of the explosions. This is not how a six year old should live her life I think to myself.

Vritra's POV

Feeling the sun hit my skin as it peaked in through the window of my blinds into my bedroom, I groan and leaned up in bed glaring at the intruding light. Climbing out of bed I got dressed in my maroon sleeveless sweater and a pair of black shorts with tiny stars all over them, along with a pair of white converses.

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