Chapter 1

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You were a person with a bright personality, a happy and jolly morning person, Until that day. The day you came to know about your grandmother's illness. It was a pleasant morning like the usual ones, you had come home from work and the first thing that you always did after you got home was hug your grandma and get a kiss on the forehead from her. She was your absolute favorite since she'd always be supporting your back no matter what. Like that one time you wanted to go out late at night for movies with Jimin but your parents had refused to allow you since "you are too young" to be going out on your own like seriously huh. But luckily your grandma had persuaded your father and he gave you his car keys. Good old days.

These thoughts now made you upset. You didn't want to lose her so you tried comforting yourself by thinking that death is nothing but a gateway to divinity and eternity. And you weren't sure if it was helping.
She was a constant high blood pressure patient so it wasn't really surprising, but depressing tho, that she'd have ischemic heart disease. And the fact that she could survive only a month more was heartbreaking.

So you had made your mind now. You'd do anything that makes her happy. You spent most of your time with her so somehow she'd feel better and happier. Of course, she knew about her own illness and you haven't been through a situation like this and not like you'd want to, but it must be really hard for one to know what day is going to be their last day, what breath might be their last one.

The question might've always been lingering in their minds "did I live life happily?" You don't really know if this is all that they think but all you know is it's would be hard.So you tried your best to surround her with happiness.

It's been a week now that you've known about this. And honestly, it was saddening about how you kept thinking about the days passing quickly and the wretched day that you'd lose her.Also, a lot has been in your mind today because of what happened earlier. Your grandmother had called you in her room and told you about what her last wish was. "I'd be very glad to help it make true if I can" you told her but you didn't know if you actually could. "y/n honey see, all I want for you to be is happy. Darling, please start a life of your own and in the future, maybe a family" she appealed.

" What exactly are you trying to say grandma?" she held onto your hand firmly and proposed "Y/N dear, please a find a man you love and start a family of your own with him. It would mean the world to me if you fulfill my last wish. I'm sorry honey I know I'm asking a lot from you but trust me, this is for your own good"

Many worries took over your mind at that moment but you fake a smile, cupped her face and mumbled "it's okay, I'll do anything to make you happy"
A tear rolled down her face hearing your reply. "What did I do to deserve such an obedient and kindhearted grandchild" You wiped her tear and smiled. "Okay honey now go rest, I'm sorry for wasting your free time" she giggled. "now you can leave sweetie" you got a kiss on your forehead from her and left.

You didn't really know if you can do this. You can't just pick a man you love in a short time of 3 weeks. So you left it on your parents to choose. You weren't happy at all with what all was happening but you wanted to fulfill your grandma's last wish.

You hardly slept tonight because of all those thoughts , it was uncomfortable. The next morning you woke up with dark circles , you barely slept for like an hour or two. You applied a lip color daily to work but it look like today it was necessary to apply concealer to hide your beautiful dark circles. You changed into your office clothes , had a cup of strong coffee to keep you working , grabbed your bad and left the house.

One unpleasant event upon another. First, you had almost no sleep so the coffee wasn't working. You fell because you stumbled upon your own foot and scraped your knee. Oh and when you fell , you spilled your remaining coffee and it accidentally spilled all over a man standing in front of you. You didn't bother looking at his face and quickly got up fixing your clothes , bowing an apology and being real quick to leave because the office was like 10 steps away right now and you'd be late if you didn't hurry.
You were about to leave when a man with a deep , weirdly nice voice called out for you "missy where do you think you're going? Who's going to pay for this?huh" he looked pissed , just like how he sounded. You turned around to see a man in a suit. He was tall , had glowing golden skin and beautiful features. What's wrong with God tho , making rude people look like angels.

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