"You're dead."

He looked at me and smiled a big, gorgeous smile. "Good morning princess!" He stood up and started toward me. "How are-"

I stepped back, I didn't want him to touch me. "You're dead!"

He stopped. "What?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "You're dead! You killed yourself! You slit your wrists and died." I pushed him. I was so angry. I didn't know how I knew it, but I knew he was dead. All I remembered was the pain, the heartache, that I felt after he died. All I felt now was anger because of what he did me. Maybe it was selfish to feel that way, but I still did. "How could you?"

My dad stood up from the table. "Woah! Stop!" He grabbed my arm just as it got ready to hit Kyle again, this time much much harder. "What is this about, Olivia?"

I felt the tears falling down my face. "You died.. I was at your funeral.. How could you do that to me?"


"Don't call me that!"

He laughed a gentle, understanding laugh. "It was just a bad dream." He gently put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm here. I will always be here." He wrapped me in his arms.

"But I saw you."

"It was just a bad dream. You can tell me about it in the car okay?" He looked at me and smiled.

I nodded. "Okay." I said and I wrapped my arms around him. I still hurt, everything inside me hurt, but the anger began to subside. Nothing made sense, but I had to admit to myself that it was one of the best feelings in the world to have him hold me again.

    I had nothing but short images in my mind. I saw him in a casket, I saw my family's faces as I was being dragged away to quarantine. I saw the people I met there, I couldn't remember their names. I saw the serum, and I remembered all the pain I felt right before I "woke up." What virus? I thought to myself. All the images of what felt so real a minute ago started to fade. Maybe it was all just a bad dream. It must have been.

"Are you excited for today?"

I paused. Was I supposed to know what today was? "Um- what's today again?"

He chuckled. "That's must have been quite the dream to make you forget!"

Forget what?

"Well after we finish here eating breakfast I'm gonna take you to the lake for a walk, then we're gonna watch the sun rise."

    The sun rise? I looked out the window, it was dark still. It was strange, usually it would be light by the time we eat breakfast. I looked at the clock; 6:00 a.m. it read. "Why are we eating so early?"

"Well your father has to go in early to work for a meeting for one. Plus, you and Kyle had to be up early too if you're going to get to the lake on time." She smiled as she put a plate of eggs and sausage in front of me.

    "Mom and dad are taking me birthday shopping.." Ella said with a disappointed tone.

    "Oh, don't sound so beat up about it Ella!" My dad said. "You get to pick out the cake remember?"

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