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It was a really hot day and you were home alone. Yugi said he had to do a thing. "Ugh! I'm so bored!" you said. "And where is Yugi?!". After 15 minutes, he arrived. "Where were you?" you asked him "(y/n), I have a surprise for you" Yugi said with a little smile. "Yeah?" you raised an eyebrow "What is it?" Yugi took from his  pocket two tickets. "Huh? What's this, Yugi?" "Look them closer" he said. You looked at them. You could't believe it. "Yugi... is this what I think that is?" You said. "Yes, two ticket to go to Hawaii!" "Y-Yugi" You felt like you were going to faint. Yugi sighed. "You don't like it..." he said. Suddenly, you started to laugh and jump. "Uh (y/n)? Are you o-" "Yugiii!!! Thank you!! Thank you a lot!!"  Yugi blushed "It's nothing..." "So..." you said "when do we go?" "Next weekend" he said smiling. "Ok! I'll go to choose some clothes!" you said really cheerfully. "But (y/n)... we'll go next weekend..." Yugi said. "Shut up!" you said with a big smile and you went to choose clothes.

~Time skip to next weekend~

You and Yugi were so excited. You were talking to Yugi all the way to the airport about what you wanted to do when you arrived. When they arrived, it was 15 minutes to fly, so, you and Yugi bought a drink and some food for the way. 

~After 15 minutes~

You were inside the plane. "Are you nervous?" Yugi asked. "Yes..." you said. You didn't like the idea of traveling by plane. "Don't worry, darling... here!" Yugi offered his hand for you to take it. "Thank you, Yugi" and you took his hand. After that he kissed you in the lips. "When we arrive, we're gonna call our friends, ok?" "Ok, Yugi! I love you" you said. "I love you more" After Yugi said that, he left his head in your shoulder all the travel.

I'll always love you (Yugi Muto x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt