"I can't complain. I like taking care of her." I smile as I pick up an alcoholic drink.

"And I assume that's why we all are meeting up?" Bobby asks. The room quickly becomes serious.

"Jacque told me some things but I wanted to hear it from you." Mike says. The other guys sit up.

"What's happening, Luke?" Keith asks.

"Well, when we were in Boston, I talked to Jacque, Steph, and Cassie about my relationship with LuLu and, well," I pause as I smile. "I want to marry her."

It gets real quiet before they all smile and start talking at once. Wally quiets the room. "Uncle Rizz, what do you think?"

We all look at Ralph who has a big smile on his face. "I married Cassie when I was twenty-one years old. We had Rizz when I was twenty-two and Cee Cee was twenty-three. Not one day have I regretted marrying the love of my life. Most people would say we were too young or that it was too quick but it has been worth every minute."

"Hell, the one you should be talking to is Johnny. He married Steph after a few weeks." Ricky says and everyone chuckles softly.

"It was a few months. Shut up." Johnny smiles.

"Well, JG, what advice do you have for me?" I ask.

"There's nothing I can tell you. What do you feel?" Johnny replies and I just smile.

"It feels right. I've only known LuLu for a little over two months but every minute has been like Heaven— even when she hated me. Being around her makes me happy. I love every part of her and hate everything at the same time. She makes me laugh and cry and angry and happy. She's everything I've dreamed of. I can see myself with her sitting on a porch somewhere with grey hair and children surrounding us. Even if that's corny as hell. I can see that— I want that. She's all that I need and more." I try to put my thoughts and feelings into words. And they still seem to fall short of what I feel on the inside.

"Wow," Ben blinks. "You really love her. I think you love her more than Chance loves JJ."

"Love knows no time." Algee sits back. We all nod in agreement.

"Time doesn't matter. It's all about who makes the most impact on your life. Everything has its time and season. The girls' favorite Bible verse is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Look it up," Ronnie says. "In the Word, season is said over thirty times. It's a great piece of scripture to remember for when times are hard or you need a reminder of certain things."

"Uncle Ronnie, why did you hang out with these guys? They're stupid and you're so smart." Q asks and we all laugh.

"When we young, we were all stupid." Bobby says and leaves it at that.

"How are you thinking about proposing?" Bryshere asks me, changing the subject.

"I don't know. We all know Lucy isn't a big romantic but wouldn't mind romance. It can't be something corny or overdone. It has to be tailored to her, for her. Something different and special." I say.

Everyone stops to think.

"Have you gotten a ring?" Wally asks.

I shake my head. "No. I don't even know what to get for her," I run my hand down my face. "I haven't even gotten that far, to be honest."

Another pause to think.

"How about the last day of filming?" RJ suggests. "It'll be a great day. It's scheduled to the BET Silver Anniversary performance. We get Chris and a few other crew members in on it and you surprise her by dropping to one knee."

The 2 Minute EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now