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Jennifer's POV~

Daisy calls and calls and calls , I ignore it for as long as I possibly can but she doesn't stop so I just decide to pick it up.

" what? " I ask her with just a hint of annoyance in my voice.

" pick up the damn phone for once. We're going out to a party tonight. " she says to me. " be ready at 7pm I'll get mum to come get you and bring you back to my house. " she adds.

I hang up the phone without another word and look for the perfect outfit for tonight. it better be worth it. It might even get my mind off the whole ' one day break up ' with Georgia. It's only 5:46pm so I get my clothes and my towel and jump into the shower. The hot water laces my body and it feels so good after these last few days. After my shower I change into my tight red dress and paint my face. I wait for 35 minutes until I see Daisy's mums car. She beeps the horn and I run out with my heels in my hand and jump into the front seat.


We walk into the party and I notice a few peoples faces not enough though. Daisy parts from me in the living room to get drinks. She comes back with 2 red cups filled with cherry vodka. The red drink hits my tongue and I suddenly feel a little more relaxed. I down a few more cups and I start to feel tipsy. Daisy approaches me with a few guys and we go to the room. One of the guys short black hair , and tattoos holds his hand out and I see 5 pills , I guess one for the each of us. I look at his hand , to Daisy and back to his hand and take one without saying a word. I swallow it down with one sip of water.

It's been a good while and the effects have finally kicked in. I'm seeing all sorts of weird shit. From leprechauns to unicorns to mushrooms to the room going rainbow and trippy. I feel good I down drink after drink. I have forgotten everything from my mother ridding me of her life to Georgia and I breaking up. I want to feel this all the time , 24 / 7. I want to feel calm and relaxed and happy forgetting my past.


The last thing I remember is blacking out and I guess I ended up here and chucked up. That pill was amazing. I walk into the boys room we were in last night and see Daisy on the floor with vomit in her hair but no boys. I see a pill bottle on the night stand and read the label. It says it's prescribed but acid is illegal? I walk downstairs in hope of finding the 3 boys but I don't so I just decide to take the bottle and stuff it in to my bra. I wake Daisy up and put her in the shower.

" I don't remember last night. " she slurs half asleep.

" it was amazing. " I reply to her and she laughs.

We call her mum and her mum comes and picks us up. I ask her to make a quick stop at the bottle shop and she smiles and nods her head.

" really? " Daisy whispers to me.

" yes. It makes me relax. " I whisper back to her.

I buy $100 worth of alcohol so I have enough and don't need to come back in for a few weeks. Daisy's and I hug each other goodbye and I thank her for a good night. I take the pills out of my bra and pack my fridge and cupboards with alcohol. I look in my medication cabinet and see sleeping pills so I take 2 with a shot of vodka. This is how my life goes for the next few days. I take pill after pill after pill to sleep , to relax. I down shots and cups and bottles of alcohol.

I begin to realise how unhealthy this is but I don't care this is what my life has come to and I have to accept that. Shit happens right? I'll be okay , I'll live I say to myself.


It's been 2 weeks since Georgia and I have spoke and I'm okay with that considering my new diet , alcohol and pills. I can't survive a day without them , I'll have withdrawals and I can't do that. I love how I feel and how my body feels when I drink and pop.

Look what my life has come to. I don't want it anymore I say to myself as I poor the contents of the pill bottle on my bed. I take 1 , 2 , 3 and so on until there a no pills left and no vodka left. I lay down and close my eyes and realise this is it , I'm about to die.

A / N
Okay so this chapter is all about Jennifer and her addiction.
I really like this chapter and I hope you all do too. I love you all and thank you all for reading. Please vote and comment any constructive criticism so I can work on making my story / chapters better. Enjoy.

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