Coming out pt. 2.

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Jennifer's POV~

She grabs me and kisses me and it feels so good to have her soft pink lips against mine.

" be mine ? " she asks staring into my strong baby blue eyes.

" of course. " I reply and smile at her.


" Georgia. " I say breaking the sweet silence between us while playing with her hair.

" yeah? " she replies now looking at me.

" we need to tell our parents don't you think? Like I know we only just go together but I think they need to know. " I say to her.

" okay I'll head home now. Do you need a lift to your mums house? " she asks me.

" please. " I say simply to her.

We leave and in about 20 minutes I'm at my mums house and I'm so nervous. I knock on the door and wait a few seconds until I see the doorknob turn.

" Jennifer! " she says obviously happy to see me and embraces me in a warm and welcoming hug.

She shows me inside and into the lounge room where I take a sear in front of her.

" would you like a drink or anything ? " she asks me.

" oh no thanks I kind of want to talk to you about something actually and it's kind of important so if you could please sit down? " I say to her nervously. I begin fiddling with my hands and look down so we can't make eye contact.

" yes dear of course. " she says to me and takes a seat in the brown chair in front of me.

" mum , I'm a lesbian and I have a girlfriend. " I blurt out.

" what? No this can't be true. My only daughter is a lesbian? You disgust me get out and I never want to hear from you again. " she fires back and it cuts me deep. I expected her to be supportive not rid me of her life.

I walk out without saying another word and call dad. I know we haven't talked much but he needs to know what's going on in my life. It isn't fair if he doesn't know. The phone rings a few times and he finally picks up.

" Jennifer? " he says surprised.

" dad can you please come pick me up from mums we need to talk it's important. " I say to him and before he can say anything I hang the phone up and wait until he arrives.


Georgias POV~

" Georgia. " she says breaking the sweet silence between us and I look at her.

" yeah? " I say to her.

" we need to tell our parents don't you think? Like I know we only just go together but I think they need to know. " she says to me playing with my hair like she has been for the past hour.

" okay I'll head home now. Do you need a lift to your mums house? " I ask her standing to my feet and putting my shoes back on.

" please. " she simply says and we leave.

In about 20 minutes we arrive out the front of her mums house and she gets out without saying anything. I understand why I'd be nervous and not talking to anyone either. I hope everything goes well for her I don't want anything bad to happen she does deserve the best after all. I continue to drive to my mums house which is about 30 minutes away from Jennifer's mums.


After 30 minutes I walk up to my mums front door take a few deep breaths and finally knock. After a minute she opens the door , she says nothing just embraces me in a warm hug. I've missed my mum so much. It's been 1 month since I seen her last and she looks even more beautiful then the last time I seen her.

" mum I have something to talk to you about. " I say to her.

" of course Georgia what's up? " she asks me smiling and trying to comfort me.

" I'm a lesbian and I have a girlfriend. " I say to her and god am I nervous for her response. This is a bad idea. What if she reacts badly and rids me of her life and I never see or talk to her again? But what if she is supportive? There's two sides and I really hope I get the second one.

We sit in an awkward silence while she stares at me and I fiddle with my hands. I don't know if she's mad or shocked , I mean she has every right to be either of those. After all being gay is wrong and everyone says it's a " phase " or a " mental illness. " finally after a few minutes she speaks.

" darling I love you so much and will support you with everything. I'm so glad you told me and I'm excited to meet your girlfriend. What's her name? " she says , she's so supportive and I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

" I love you so much mum. " I say to her and hug her.


Jennifer's POV~

Dad finally shows up and I open the door and get in without saying a word.

" what's wrong Jennifer? " he asks me.

" I'm a lesbian and have a girlfriend would you like to rid me of your life and never see or hear from me again. " I say to him firmly looking at him.

" no Jennifer I'm going to support you. " he replies.

" okay thank you feels good to have someone support me. Now can you take me back home please? " I say to him.

" yes I can. " he says and he starts driving.

" actually dad take me to the bar. " I say because I need a few drinks after today.

" okay. " he says and we are silent for the rest of the drive.

When we arrive I say goodbye and walk into the bar and sit on the stool. The bartender comes over ,

" what would you like? " she asks me.

" 10 shots of tequila. " I reply and she smirks at me.

In about 2 minutes she brings me all of my shots and I down them all quickly and pay for them with the few dollars I have left. I walk out and call Georgia. Goes to message bank each time so I call a cab and give them my address. We finally arrive at my destination and I see Georgias car parked out the front. I walk in and stumble all over the place , I'm really drunk and am not in the mood.

" hey babe. " she says smiling trying to greet me.

" just be quiet I'm not in the mood. " I say and slam the door shut to my room.

I hear the front door slam shut and hear her car start. It's only a matter of minutes before I can't hear her car anymore and I'm okay with that.

You're kidding me right? I came over and you weren't there. Thanks for wasting my time. - Daisy.

I don't even bother to reply before I shut my phone off. This day has turned to shit and I don't want anyone near me at all. It's only 7pm but I can't be bothered nor can I actually make food and I'm tired from all the shots so I go to sleep hoping to forget the moments of today.

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