A debt to be repayed

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You slow down after a while to catch your breath.  You could still hear Dark calling your name in the distance. You keep walking deeper into the forest, hoping to find somewhere to hide. Slowly but surely night was descending over the forest, and it was getting harder and harder to see. You started to hear noises in the distance, your hair was standing on end, with goosebumps raising all over you. You started to pick up the pace, thinking back to when Dark took you into the forest a few days ago. He seemed pretty adamant against you being alone out here. You shake your head. "No, nothing could be worse than him out here... right?" You reply to yourself out loud.

Almost instantly after you speak, you hear a whisper behind you. "Wrongo."

Jumping, you quickly spin yourself around, slipping and falling to the ground. You look up to see a lanky man in a black hoodie and jeans. You couldn't really see his face, aside from a slight glow. It was green, coming from his eyes. You start to breathe heavily out of shock. You can't seem to form words at this point. You manage to force out one word. "J-Jack?"

"Wrong again." He starts to chuckle. "Please miss, call me Anti.

You start to curl up, holding your head with your hands. "Of course, he's real, Darkiplier is real, why not Antisepticeye." You think to yourself. Anti walks up to you, crouching down.

Anti starts to laugh again "Of course I'm real." He pokes your head, forcing it upwards so your eyes are once more locked on his. You could see his face more clearly now. He was definitely not Jack. Anti leans in, whispering in your ear. "You see, you saved me from that fukin hell in a jar. So now?" Jack nibbles at your ear. "I need to return the favor." Chills run down your spine as you bite your lip. As terrified as you were for some reason you felt a sense of calm in the back of your mind. It had to be Anti messing with you. "Whats wrong (Y/N), arnt ya happy to see me? You did save me after all" He whispered in your ear once more.

"I-It was an.. accident." You manage to whisper under your breath.

Jack backs up, standing over you again. He smirked. "Accident or not, you're the reason I'm standing here, speaking with you, right now. A deed like that... can't go unrewarded." His smile was dark, evil. He bowed before you. "I am in you're debt." As he rose from his bow he locked eyes with you once more. "And this debt will be... replayed." The feeling of calm and safety in the back of your mind was growing. You closed your eyes tight to try to force it away. Anti was messing with your head. You could hear him in the back of your mind, calling for you. You grabbed your forehead.

Jack chuckles. "Oh (Y/N), Dark can try all he wants. But you're mine now." As those words fell from his lips, you heard a flutter of wings. You opened your eyes to see Dark above you. Dark landed hard in between you two. You started to cry, you were so happy to see him.... You never thought you would think that. But it didn't matter, anything to get away from Anti.

"Hello Anti." Darks voice was oddly calm, but you could feel his hatred for Anti was strong. It practically radiated from his body. Darks enormous wings were fully extended, to block you from Anti completely. You couldn't help but stare at Dark, all you wanted was for him to pick you up and take you back to the house. You wanted to get as far from here as possible.

Anti smiles as he starts to disappear in a cloud of glitchy smoke. "Another day Dark, another day." Anti teases. As Anti started to disappear Dark stood up. Turning around he locked eyes with yours. Your eyes were wide, locked on his. Tears blurred your vision as you started to wimper. Without saying anything dark steps closer to you, kneeling down to be at your eye level. He puts his hand on your head and let out a sigh and half smiled.

"You're ok now (Y/N), I'm here." Dark spoke softly and calmly, he lifted you up in his arms bridal style. You closed your eyes and buried your head in his chest. You felt Dark leap from the ground. The sound of his wings beating lulled you to sleep in his arms. Before you completely drifted away, you could feel Darks lips on your head. As he kissed you, you could hear him whisper "I'm here... you're ok... you're ok. He can't have you."

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