A visitor

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You're sitting on the subway on your phone. It's late and you just got off from work, and instead of listing to music on your way home you decide to open your youtube app. You type in Markiplier in the search bar, and go to his video page.

"Huh... that's weird" You think to yourself. All of his videos were black and unclickable, except for one.

You haven't seen this one yet, as it was uploaded while you were at work. You figure your phone is bugging out so you click the newest video. As soon as you do this the lights on the train flicker. Of course you don't notice this because your too busy starring confused into your phone screen.

It was black.

You wait a few more seconds, just in case the video didn't load properly, you are underground after all. While you wait for your phone, you look around the train, everyone is starring into their phones, and it's pretty quiet. All you can hear is the rumbling of the subway rails. You let out a sigh, and almost instantly after that the lights flicker off.

"What?" You whisper as you frantically look around waiting for your eyes to adjust. As you do so the lights flicker on once again, but much dimmer then before. A few of the light bulbs burst, leaving only 1 overhead light to illuminate the train car. There, you see him.

A dark shadowy figure looms above you in the dim train car. You sink back into your seat out of fear. As you do so your eyes dart around the car to see if you had any means of escape. You were blocked in. As you look around you notice something else. Everyone on the train car with you was frozen. Like time had just stopped. You had no idea if the train car was even moving anymore. You couldn't hear the rumbling of the tracks anymore.

Your eyes snap back to the figure in front of you as you hear him take one step closer. "Hello~" The dark figure spoke in a low and soothing voice. You're almost creeped out that the voice was so calming. Your whole body is shaking at this point. It's almost like the train car dropped 10 degrees.

"What do you want... who are you?" You manage to stutter out a few words to respond to the dark figure. You can't make out any facial features, you can only see a silhouette.

"Oh dear, I think you already know who I am." The dark silhouette chuckles. As he says this he leans over you, and his face is now at eye level.

"Wha-... Mark?" You look at him confused, still shaking in fear. But you knew you were wrong, it wasn't Mark, it couldn't be. His skin was pale and almost grey, and his eyes were all wrong. His pupils and scleras were jet black, while his iris' were glowing red.

He smiled, showing off his pointed canine teeth, sorta like a vampire, but not as thin. "Kinda, I have been referred to as Darkiplier by his fans. But please, call me Dark~" He smirked.

You stutter as you try to collect your thoughts. "But... But your not real, just some hoax that his fans made up... This has to be a dream."

As soon as you say this he slams his hand on the window behind your head. You flinch. "So you think i'm a hoax huh? Funny, you probably shouldn't be talking like that to a demon."

Your eyes widen in fear as he puts his other hand on your chin. "If your so sure i'm not real, then how about we make a little deal." He smiles showing off his sharp teeth once more. "If i'm not really here, then you will just wake up and go back to your boring mundane life."

You bite your lip nervously as he stands up, taking his hands off of your chin. "What sort of deal..." Your voice is much more steady now, you try to calm yourself.

Dark smirks as he runs his hands though his jet black hair. "You come with me, and you will be rewarded. Don't? And your precious Markimoo dies."

You furrow your brow as you quickly reply. "As much as he means to me... I would do anything... But why would I give up my life to save someone I haven't even met."

Dark leans down once again, putting his lips right next to your ear. "Because my dear, if you say no. All of the blame will be tossed on you. You'll have nothing... You will be, nothing."

You stare past Dark, as your stomach drops. You feel sick. You manage to stammer out a response. "So either way... i'm fucked..."

Dark smiles as he stands up straight once more. "Make your choice (Y/N)"

You don't remember ever telling him your name, but it doesn't faze you at this point. All you can think about is your options. You can be responsible for the death of someone who has only brought you happiness. Or you can leave everything and everyone behind.

You stand up and take a deep breath in. Closing your eyes you start to speak once again. "I will come with you, you have a deal." You open your eyes and you see Dark smiling. You hold out your hand to shake on it and seal the deal.

"Silly girl, not how you seal a deal with a demon." Dark chuckles.

You begin to speak when Dark leans in and locks his lips with yours. As he does this your eyes widen, then slowly flutter closed. His lips are cold, but soft. For some reason, all of your fear disappears. You stop shaking as you sink into the kiss. Your head was convincing you this was right.

Dark pulls away and places his hands on your cheek. "We will meet again.~" With his parting words, he vanishes. As he does so all of the lights flicker on once again, like nothing happened. A few of the other passengers on the train starred at you in confusion. You looked like you were standing there, starring off into space. You quickly sit back down and put your hand on your forehead to hide your face.

"What just happened" You whisper to yourself.

The train slowly comes to a halt as it reaches its last stop. You stand up and quickly exit the train car. As you make your way though the subway, your mid is racing about what happened on the train. No one but you noticed what happened. It's like it all happened in your head or something.

You make your way up the steps and out of the subway. Your apartment is just a few blocks away from here, you swiftly walk home to avoid any more encounters like the one on the train.

You make your way to your apartment building. You race up the stairs and into your apartment, locking the door as soon as you walk in. You let yourself fall against the door behind you, sliding down to the floor. You proceed to kick your shoes off across the room in frustration.

"That couldn't have been real... right?" You sigh as you stand up. "No, i must have fallen asleep on the train... that has to be it" As you said this you noticed how exhausted you were. You slowly make your way to the couch, flopping down. As soon as your head hit the cushion, you were out like a light.

( Let me know what you guys think so far! This is honestly only my 2nd attempt at writing a fan fiction. I hope you guys like it!)

The Deal (Darkiplier x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant