Tyler Down [2]

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"Hey." You smiled while waving. He always seemed tense when you walk up to him. He nodded his head and you guys made small talk.

"Hey, um do you maybe wanna I don't know hang out today like at 6pm?" He seemed so nervous.

"Sure I would love too" you smiled sweetly. He smiled back. You guys exchanged numbers and soon departed and went your own ways.
Your parents asked how school was and you said the same answer as always. You told them how you were going to hangout with one of them today in the evening. They obviously bombarded you with questions but they were happy you made friends. You had gotten a text message from Tyler.

"Hey Y/N dress casual were going to a carnival if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah it's fine, I love carnivals." You said. Soon enough it was 6 and you were nervous as hell. You never really hung out with guys like this on dates. Was this even considered a date?

"Honey, your friend is here." You heard your mom yell from downstairs. You ran down the stairs before they attacked him with questions and before your dad gave him the "You Break My Daughters Heart I'll Break You."

"Okay bye mom, I'll be back." You said walking out the door. You and Tyler walked to his car, like a gentleman he opened the door for you. You thanked him and buckled up. He turned on the radio and you gasped. Your song was playing and in no way were you not going to sing.

You burst out singing the lyrics that you knew from heart. Tyler just laughed, but soon enough he started singing the lyrics too. You let him sing some parts and you sang other parts. At the stop lights he would always look over to you and smile. You would always blush and try to hide it. You guys arrived and you acted like a child running and laughing.

Tyler had brought his camera saying he was gonna try and get some pictures. You guys got your tickets and decided to not get on the roller coasters because of Tyler's camera. So you guys went to the Tea Cups first. You started spinning it as fast as you could, with Tyler's help of course. You guys kept on laughing while spinning it.

Soon you stopped because you felt like you were gonna throw up. You guys got off and Tyler had to hold you because you were so dizzy. He bought you some lemonade. You guys decided to eat, you had gotten a pizza and he had just gotten cheese fries. Every now and then you would steal his fries when he wasn't looking. As you reached for one he turned back to look at you.

"HEY THOSE ARE MY FRIES!" He said. You just shoved it into your mouth and smiled.

"You're lucky you're cute." He whispered thinking you wouldn't hear him but you could. You smiled and he smiled back. So he took a bite of your pizza you gasped.

"Nooooo not my pizza." You fake cried. Which resulted in you guys bursting into laughter. You guys walked around until you begged him if you guys could get on the Ferris Wheel. He was okay with it and you guys got in line. You have the man your guys' tickets and you guys went in and sat down. Each of you on one side. He took out his camera and pointed it towards you.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Taking a picture of this beautiful view." He said, you blushed. Gosh this boy loves making you blush. The ride went on and once it was over you guys got cotton candy afterwards. You guys shared one and you kept feeding pieces to him. He had his arm around you and you honestly didn't mind it. You smiled while looking at him and he did the same. You guys got to his car and once again he opened the door for you.

The ride home was pretty calming. You guys got to know more about each other and every now and then he would make you blush. You guys arrived at your house, again he opened your door and walked you up to your door.

13 reasons why imagines//preferences//gifs//one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora