Chapter VIII - Stranger

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes slowly creep open and all I see is white. Where was I? Surely, I'm not dead; I wouldn't be in heaven, I'd be down in the ground. I'm destined for hell.

I prop myself up feebly with my elbows and notice white gauze wrapped around my left forearm. This scene was all too familiar... 

TWILIGHT! I've seen this in Twilight. That's actually really creepy. I feel a deja-vu and it's related to a vampire movie. 

I look down at my right hand and also realize a needle in my hand connected to a tube, injecting what seems to be blood or something. I'm dressed in an awful hospital gown and my hair is draped all over my body. I have a strong feeling I look like a zombie. Actually, I am a zombie. My eyes feel heavy and puffy and my arm feels life it's been chopped off then reattached. Memories of last night collide in my brain as I try to recall the hateful night, but it's giving me a headache so I give up.

I look a little more around a room and spot a paper with little scribbled letters on it, resting on the hospital night table. I reach for it gently, to not open the wound and read the note. 


I stepped out for a little while, to get changed into clean clothes and I wasn't so sure when you'd awake. I won't be long at all and I'll be back before you know it. Just close your eyes and rest; you need it.


I think this boy is the sweetest guy I've ever met. I've never gotten a note like this before. When people would leave me, I would never get a heads up and it simply warms my heart to have him do so. I like knowing he'll be back. It's a reassuring feeling to know that, if someone leaves, they'll return to you.

I sink back into the bed that did not belong to me and started humming a song out of boredom. Soon, the humming started becoming more of me singing. The lyrics to Wonderwall by Oasis slip off my tongue , distracting me to the point of not hearing footsteps entering the room.

"You sound lovely," the lady in scrubs tells me. "I'm going to just do a few check ups and give you a bit of medication and I'll be off."

I sit up and face her. "What medication?"

She sighs and gives me a saddened look. "You have Anemia, sweetie. I have to give you some medication for that." 

I already knew I had Anemia. My grand-mother did, my mother did and I do. The difference though is that my mother's case was so severe, it lead to heart failure. She died of a heart attack and my father was so afraid it would happen to me too. He feared the day the doctor declared I had anemia. 

It wasn't a big deal for me. I mean, my mom had a very severe case, but when she passed, I was force to do tests in order to see if I was touched by the same disease. I came out with the results that I had it, but it wasn't serious. It wasn't as severe as my mother's case. 

I shudder at the thought of her killer. 

"Jacklyn, we have bad news..." The small lady announces. How bad can it be? I've been through hell and back I doubt this should affect me.

I stare at her and she sighs very dramatically, looking at the clipboard she hold up to her face. "You have been diagnosed with anemia a few years ago, correct?"

I nod. Where was she going with this? 

"Considering you fainted at the immense loss of blood from your system, we had to take a few tests." She looks directly at me with apologetic eyes. I'm guessing they can't do tests on an unconscious patient. That is pretty wrong, but I don't mind that much. "The results came in just a few hours ago..."

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