The doctor sigh and mumble something under his breath. " okay. I will explain . Listen carefully. Your friend can be frozen till 2020 comes by . In that case , his heart beat will have to slowed down by the injection and then we will have to lay him down on this tube then fill them with a cold water and it will be frozen. It's not dangerous because the injection will makes him feel nothing . He was actually death in there but after the cure come out , we can unfroze him and he will be back as normal and he will do the treatment as soon as he back to this world . But in that case , surrounding him might change so he will be confuse . That's all. If you're willing to do the frozen things , let the doctor James know , because I think in Cheshire have that tubes . " Liam and Niall was thinking whether they wants louis being frozen or not .

Its the best way but they are too afraid if in 2020 the cure for the illness haven't arrived yet . They continue to read the book and it also written in the book that only for 10 years a person can be froze . And that makes them anxious when thinking about it " will he be older or stay at that way ? " Niall blurted out his thoughts and Liam chuckle for a second and continue his serious faces .

" he will stay that way . If now he is 20 , then in 2020 he will be 20 . This frozen method, stop everything including your age . " the doctor said casually . Liam was doing a calculation and he gasped " we will be 27 years old and louis will stay 23 years old that time . Oh my ! " Niall amused and said " as long as we are not 30 and above and that is okay ! "  Niall rub his finger toward Liam fingers , Liam smiled and the doctor watching them with fond .

But the real question here was will Harry agreed to do this or will louis want to be frozen ? Will the doctor manage to let out the cure when it's 2020 ? 

Meanwhile at the hospital in Cheshire

" congrats Harry , Louis is awake now ! " doctor James smiled at him and Harry smile get wider . His worry washed away the minute the doctor said that louis is awake . Before this , louis was having a seizure again and they took him to IcU and that makes Harry worried and pace around the room without anyone comforting him . After a few hour of waiting ,the news come out from the doctor .

Harry hurriedly go inside louis room only to find a nurse inject something to Louis veins who is wide awake now . " be careful with him . We put him on drugs to stop his pains so he might be a little - " " harreh! " louis slurred . The nurse chuckles and said " that's what I mean . Press the red button if you need anything . I will go now " she said and Harry said thank you quietly.

Once the nurse out of Harry's sight , he hugged louis real tight " oh my ! Don't eat me ! " louis said giggling and Harry can't help but let out a tears and quickly wipe them away so louis won't see it . He let go of the hugs and took louis hands in his " don't ever do that again to me ! You sleep too long ! " harry whines and kissed louis lips and this time louis lips moving in his .

After kissing , louis was frowning at Harry " are my haz cry- ing? Do Lou-is makes him upset ? " louis said as he tears up a bit . The medicine that he was in makes him a bit of mood change , Harry chuckle and wipe the tears away from under louis eyes . " nope ! Louis makes Harry happy a lot by being awake ! " Harry smiled and louis makes a huge grin .

" then if I slept foreve' will you be sad ?" Louis said without thinking that will haunt Harry in his nightmare , " don't say that ! " Harry snaps angrily that makes louis backed away by the yelled and suddenly louis feels sad that Harry just yelled at him " Harry is meannnnyy! " Louis whines and his eyes was already in tears " louis just asked Harry , no need to yelled at Louis ! Louis isn't deaf yet ! " he said and lower his body , Harry who is taking a breath and just look at louis .

"Lou , I'm sorry , I didn't mean to yell , to answer your questions if you sleep forever , I will too . Always remember no matter what will happen I will always follow you , you're my home , I'm homeless without you Lou " Harry said sadly while trying to reach louis hands . Louis giggles , fucking giggles out of nowhere " hazza is soo cute ! Louis isn't home , how can hazza sleep in Louis if Louis isn't even a home ? " he giggles again by now he already facing Harry again , Harry chuckle at his answer because it makes no sense ! " You're to high to understand this love , maybe when you less drowsy you will understand it," Harry smiled at him and Louis reached forward and kiss Harry lips " will you marry me ? " Louis blurted out after kissing Harry , Harry was taken back and look at Louis but before he could answer his question, Louis was already sleep with a smile on his face . Adorable little munchkin .

Harry looks at him lovingly before standing up and tugging louis under the blankets , once it done , he kissed Louis forehead and walked out of the room . He sat on the bench outside hospital and look at the sky . The blue skies reminds him , Louis eyes but Louis eyes was pretty than this . He remembers his memories with Louis . It was the best things in his life . He never felt like this . He felt soooo in love with Louis . His heartbeat beat fast whenever he thinks about Louis , his fiancé . Oh . Fiancé .

Suddenly his phone rang that make him startled . He sigh and pick up the phone as soon as he let out his phone from his pocket " hello " he greeted but he didn't know who is calling him . " Harry ! " Niall chirped .

Harry : I'm assuming you guys have the good news .

Niall : we hope so ... we need to tell you in person tho .

Harry : why not here ?

Niall : we sorta have to . By the way how's Louis and also you ?

Harry : Louis just wake up .

Niall : really ?!! That's great to hear !!! But why you sound off ? Shouldn't you feel better about it ?

Harry : I feel a bit better about it but it worries me

Niall : of what ?

Harry : *sigh* afraid of the promise that I promise towards Louis , I can't keep it .

Niall : what promises ?

Harry : that I will never kill myself after he's gone ....

Niall : do you want to talk about it Harry ?

Harry : are you busy now ?

Niall : I got a lot of times to kill . Do you really think that Louis will die then ?

Harry : *gasped* what's make you think that ! Of course no !

Niall : then you should not be thinking what to do after Louis .. you know .. it's like you don't believe that Louis will be fine !

Harry : sometimes we need to prepare something before anything happen you know .

Niall : I know that but you should not give up .  If you're give up , then Louis will too . Please hazza , don't think anything else ! Liam and I will find a flight today , take care!

I ends the call and sigh . I stood up from my seat and go back to louis room . Once I was in louis room , I sat down beside him and took his hand gently . He was still sleeping and he looks so peaceful with a smile on his face . Suddenly , I remember what he said before he fall asleep , 'will you marry me ?' Did he forgot he already purpose me ? Or did he want to have an actual wedding ? My eyes widen and thinking about the later .

I know what to do now . I want to marry him , make him mine officially.

Hey , sorry for the typo , missing words and whatsoever! Thank you

My Hazza (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें