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Louis Pov

" isn't this too much for your afford?  " I asked my mother when we arrived at our new house.  " nah . Did you remember my sister ? The one who is rich ? " my mother asked me back . I nodded and she continues " well , this is her old house . She doesn't want to live here anymore but she doesn't want to sell this house nor  she doesn't want anyone to live this house but me as her sister, she give exception. So we are going to live here for free , I tried to convince her that I want to pay but she claims it I was her sister so I shouldn't paying anything toward her . So I accept it . Well , Louis , this house have no stairs at all so it's easy for you to use your wheelchair alright . And plus I've got a work at the library, taking care the library and yea the payments is real good . 1,010 $ for a month. Just sit down on my table , people came and allow them whatever they wanted to borrow and placing the book into the shelf . It's amazing and its kind of relax jobs . But , my works start at 9 am till 10 pm so I can't cook your lunch , din-" " mom , it's okay . I can call takeover food or I will just follow you to library but can we go inside first cause I'm super tired and we've been sitting in this car for like 2 or 3 hours ? " I sigh . Knowing that we still in the car while already arriving in front of the house . It's frustrating. 

My mom laugh and get out of her car . She took my wheelchair at the back and fix it before opening my door . She slowly lift me up and put me on my wheelchair. " honey , can you bring this box in front of the house ? " she asked me while pointing at 3 box at the back . I nod and she put the box onto my laps . It's not that heavy . She took the other 3 bags which is full with our cloth . We didn't bring the whole stuff at our old houses because the house wasn't sell btw.  So we just pack anything that we need . My mom pushed my wheelchair and someone come out of the house , greeting us " You must be Johannah?  Am I right ? " my mom nodded and the person said again " I'm Alex , your sister asked me to clean this house a bit and give you this keys . She couldn't come here because she has a meeting at her company " my mom nod and said " that is nice of you . Thanks . '' Alex nodded and leave . My mom push the door open and push my wheelchair inside .

Wow . It's amazing . The wall coloured with light blue and it's had some kind of flower design.  It's pretty good . The television hanging into the wall , big ones . The sofa colours white and light pink . " mom , it's beautiful . I'm . . Speechless mom " my mom chuckle and said " yea . You can put the boxes there . I will arrange it later . Now , let's go to your bedroom yea , it's pretty late "  I nodded while putting the boxes down on the floor . Then my mom push my wheelchair inside one of those room . The doors is fancy tho . Now , it's surprised me again . The room is much big compare my old room . The bed was made and maybe it's can 4 or 3 people who can sleep in that bed .  The study table beside the huge windows . And something caught my eyes . The windows . " mom , can you push me in front the windows . I want to see the sights !! " my mom gave me a small smile and push my wheelchair.  It's not like I can't do it but I'm too tired to use my hands to move the wheelchair.  The sights . It's pretty . The wind slapping on my faces as the midnight winds . Cold . The stars . Pretty . I couldn't described how pretty it does . Maybe this places will be my favourite part of this house .

" Louis , it's time to sleep dear . Do you want to take shower ? " I shook my heads and said " I'm just going to sleep . You can go now . I can handle myself okay . Don't worry I will be fine " I gave her my best smile and she kissed my forehead and said " goodnight Louis . Love you .  Sweet dream honey . " with that she left . Tomorrow is going to be a long day . Sigh .  I close the windows and move my wheelchair toward my bed . Once I near my bed side I try to pull myself on the bed . It's the hardest part . I put my hands on the bed and tried to lift myself . But then I fell down on the floor.  Ouch " LOUISS!  OMG ! " my mom come rushing to me . Then she put my head on her laps " mom , I'm fine . Eh , why did you cry mom ? " I wipe her tears that falling down on her cheeks " nothing honey . Glad you're fine . Now , let me help you to get on the bed " I chuckle and nod . She put my hands on her shoulder and she lift me a bit so my butt on the bed. " I fell pretty loud heh ? Aha " I try to lighten the mood so she wouldn't have to worry about me . She laugh and said " don't do this again.  Okay . If you needs help just screams my names okay . My room next to yours so I can hear clearly from you alright . Now sleep " I smile and put my head on the soft pillow . My mom lift my legs and put it under cover and I begin to sleep .

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