25 ( part 2 )

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Chapter 25 is too long so I decided to split them . So this chapter basically the same day as the chapter 25 . Enjoy !

Harry Pov

It's 5 pm and we already plugged in the ps4. We played fifa at first and well, Louis plays well . He beat me up multiple of times already and I'm give up playing it so I decided to back off . " you won ! Congrats ! I don't want to play anymore! " I huffed while throwing the controller softly . If I broke it , Louis will kick my ass for breaking it . He warns me before this ..

" aww hazza, we only played only 2 times , why give up so early? " he teased me with a grin " nope . I'm already bored and I'm tired , can you wake me up around 7 so that we can start the documentary ? " I asked him while nuzzle to his neck . He nods and said " sure . You look tired , I will wake you up at 7 . Alright ? Now go ! " he said with a kiss on my cheeks and that wasn't enough so I kissed his lips.

After that I stood up and wave at him while walking towards the bedroom . Once I saw the bed , I quickly lay my body on it . Ahh soo good . Now let me rest for a while .


I wake up all of a sudden because my phone ring but I missed the call . I hold my phone and squint a bit of the light of my phone . What ? 8:40 ? Damn I slept that long . No wonder it's dark . But I told Louis to wake me up tho . Hurm. I sigh and scroll down the missed call . 3 from Liam and 5 from mom . Well the last one gets me scared a bit.

So I decided to call her . After a few rang , my mom picked up ..

Mom : oh god harry ?!! Are you okay ??

Harry : hi mom . I'm fine . Why being so worried?

Mom : do you even took your pill for your Alzheimer?

Harry : did I told you that I didn't take them anymore ?

Mom : oh my god. Whyyy?

Harry : oh I think I didn't . I told my doctor who help me with my wrist about that and well he said there is no cure for Alzheimer but I'm still young and my memory isn't that weak so the doctor told me to accept that dad and gem already gone and I think I already move on from that cause Louis was there to distract me to thinking about them too much .

Mom : that was it ?

Harry : yea . I don't know much about it so I couldn't explain to you. And I met psychology last week I guess . Be-

Mom : oh my godd, Harry . Too many things you didn't tell me . Now spit out everything you hides from me !

Harry : mom relax . I'm doing just fine . I met the psychology because I thought my bipolar come back but I'm wrong . I'm fine but I need to talk to them tho so it won't get any worse . So now , I'm free from everything. No Alzhemeir and No bipolar . And oh , I joins yoga club at my uni. I thought there's none but yea there was one.

Mom : good things to hear then . Yoga is good for you . It will relax your mind and body. Alright . I need to go now. I love you and don't forget to come next week. We will have dinner with your soon to be new dad . Bring Louis along kay. Bye love .

With that she ended the call without letting me to say love you back . I sigh and goes to the living room . The games was paused and there was Louis , sleeping on the sofa with donny on top of his stomach. How adorable. I'm talking about Louis .

" Louis ? Hey sweetie pie, wake up ! " I nudge his shoulder slowly. He open his eyes tiredly held his head . " aw damn" he groan . I quickly go to his side and kneel down " what's wrong Louis ? " I asked worryingly. He took a deep breath and open his shiny eyes .

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