Chapter: 1- The Help

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S02e03 - Reapercussions 

Lincoln was taken by The Reapers, Octavia cooperates with Trikru so she would get him back, plan fails. Clarke and Anya join forces to escape Mount Weather. 

"No! You can't just leave! You.. Hey!" Octavia screamed with desperation as she watched members from Trikru leaving. She broke down to her knees watching them leaving, making their way trough the forest.

"I'm sorry. You did everything you could Skai girl. You can't help him now," Nyko said calmly as he turned around to follow the rest of his clan. 

"No! You said you were Lincoln's friend! So you're gonna just give up on him?!" 

"I am not giving up on him! There is nothing we can do now. Just go home girl." he said. Face turned to Octavia. His voice sounded harsh, but his eyes were showing that he felt truly sorry, maybe he was even hurt a little, Octavia thought. He turned to leave again.

"Please! There has to be another way!" She pleaded, tears streaming down her face. Nyko stopped. Thinking about whether there really isn't another way...

"Maybe..." he mumbled. "Of course.." but is it really worth the risk? He thought for himself. He took a depp breath and walked back to Octavia, whose eyes were full of hope. "There is someone. Who could help you."

Octavia pulled her self back on her feet. "Who?" 

"His sister. Skaikrasha. Have you heard about her?" 

Octavia nodded, her eybrows frowned, fully concentred. "Where is she?" she started to look around as if she expected her to just appear out of nowhere.

"Slow down. She is not one to mess with. She didn't get her name in vain," he warned, "She's not here. We don't know where she and her people are."

"How... How do I find her?" 

"None knows. If you are lucky, one of her people saw what happend and she is already on her way but.." he took a horn out of his pocket, "We could try this." 

"Blow it." 

"You have to know-"

"She is his sister! Just do it!" 

Nyko blew the horn, sat down resting his back against tree trunk.

"Now what?" Octavia asked a little too impatient. 

"Now we wait." 

Octavia sat down few meters from Nyko. She hadn't realized until now, that she was still breathing heavily. Her heart beating fast, she tried to settle her thoughts and minutes were passing by.

 The utter silnce that had swallowed up that moment was suddenly broken by wild screams, yells and roars. They both stood up. Octavia was looking all around, trying to see origin of the clamour. She wasn't afraid. She was ready to accept anything, that would happen today. 

"Seems like you lucky star is doing it's job well today," Nyko sighned, "They are coming." 

After a while screams stopped and the scary silence full of tension was there again. Octavia whiped away her tears and unsheathed machete Lincoln gave her, her fingers gripping on it tightly. As minutes were passing by, nervousness took over her body. 

Suddenly a girl quietly landed crouching on the gorund just in midway between Nyko an Octavia, who could see only her back. She was wearing pair of high boots, black leather pants and a top with wild ornaments. She seemed to be quite warm despite of the weather. Her bare shoulders partly covered with tattoos and henna drawings a few skin tones lighter than any of the grounders Octavia have ever met. Her hair reminded Octavia of lion mane, quite long light brown, wild curls reaching a few inches under her shoulders, randomly interlaced with feathers. She seemed to be quite, tiny for someone so dreaded. The girl stayed in that position just enough time to get her balance back, she stood up and spoke in silvery voice,

"Put down the machete, love. No harm comes from us."There was something in her voice that made it impossible to disobey, so Octavia dropped it. "Good." 

Until now, she hadn't realized that the girl wasn't alone. There was a bunch of people standing around them in circle, all turned their backs on them. Every one of them was wearing quite similiar clothes to Skaikrasha. It was clear, that they don't belong to Trikru. She slowly turned to Octavia, who was quite amazed, standing there with her mouth  open.  She has never seen someone so wild and someone who would be so charismatic just by their presence. It was like some kind of imaginary fog full of peace, wisdom, strenght and life was surrounding the girl they called Skaikrasha. But Octavia couldn't help herself to feel, that there really is a reason to fear her. Later Octavia learned, that she just has that effect on people - that she could make them feel relaxed and extremely nervous at once. 

Half of her face covered by beautiful wrought metal mask, so Octavia couldn't really see her features. She had been smiling at Octavia, until she noticed that the machete lying on the ground belonged to someone very close to her heart. In less than second, she was pressing Octavia to tree. One hand gripping on her collar, the other one holding knife pressed to her throat. 

"Where is the man, who was wearing this?!" she growled through clenched teeth. She din't seemed to be so tiny now to Octavia, she might was even few inches taller. "Answer me!" She lifted Octavia, so she was now standing on her toes. 

"I.. I.." Octavia tried to catch her breath. 

"Skaikrasha!" Nyko called.

"What?!" she turned her face to him.

"This is Octavia."

"Oh..." she quickly let go of Octavia. "I'm sorry." Upsss, she thought for herself. She stepped away from Octavia. Who could now see, that the mask on her face is a wild cat. 

Well, that kind of fits her, she tought for herself bitterly.

The wild girl held out her hand to Octavia "I'm -"

"Skaikrasha," Octavia finished.

"Well, that's how they call me,"  hardly noticable smirk appeared on her lips and she sighed a little. Her silvery voice spoke quite authoritatively and she emphasized every word as if she was trying to hide something.

"I'm Octavia," she shook her hand, still kinda shocked by the gesture grounders don't use. She is not from here.  Her skin, her  gestures, the way she speaks.. the accent. I have heard it before...

"So, Octavia," she spoke again watching her as if she knew, what she is thinking about. "Tell me, where is my brother."

Nyko had left and Octavia stayed alone with Skaikrasha and her company. Two of her people joined them to talk, girl standing on Skaikrasha's right side introduced herself as Eliza. She was wearing mask that looking like fox and her short dark hair kept on falling in her face. Young mascular man, Nicolas, stood on her left side. His mask was a wolf and his hair were longer than Eliza's.  Octavia figured out that they are probbably her guards or something. Not like she  need some

However, when Octavia wanted to come a little closer, so she didn't have to talk so loudly, they stepped in her way. So she just had to settle with it. Octavia told her everything she could.

"Will you help me?" her eyes hopefully narrowed. 

"Yes," she said confidently. "I suppose you know where Lincoln's cave is," she paused and Octavia nodded quickly. "One mile to the North is a tree into which are carved faces. Meet us there the day after tomorrow, before sunset." 

The group had been ready to leave, when Skaikrasha turned around. "If it's a trap, I will kill you all." 

And then, they were gone.  


Yaaay! I made it! Finished first chapter! Well, I know that there actually isn't any mention of Bellamy and stuff.. But! Things are about to get a lot more interesting! Let me know what you think :) Chapter number 2 is on it's way! :) 

Love xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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