life or death ~ Part 77

Beginne am Anfang

Sanskar saw the keys nd gave a look at inspector

Inspector signed him to run away from side window beside the cell path

Sanskar came out from window ND rushed to mansion ND jumped the pool side wall ND rushed to room ND grabbed his laptop

As swara watch has GPS so he can trace her fast

sanskar rushed to hall nd said "sathvik is out he trapped my swara we need to save her

all family is shocked

shekhar; wt

sanskar; (crying ) I don't have time to explain all I wanna save my swara

I am going you follow mee fast


On the day sanskar got arrested swara left to office

Kavitha: Wt ur doing swara

Swara: Ntg I'm saving my love

Kavitha; how swara

swara; sathvik is out of jail

Kavitha; no I meet him yesterday only

swara; you won't believe me... ok let it be... I don't have time to prove so, stay away it's better I can't hurt anyone

Kavitha saw pain in swara she may be true soo tried to know truth but swara ignored Kavita in fear

Kavitha kept eye on swara but she lost way while following towards hotel

at the time while sathvik is saying truth swara dialed Kavitha nd all the truth is recorded

Kavitha called commissioner nd sanskar came as in search of swara by tracing GPS


sanskar shocked to see swara

Sanskar moved swara with a jerk she gained consciousness

Swara spitted out blood which made sanskar shock

Sanskar made her get up she is on his laps ) swara swara wt happened to you wts this blood

Swara is happy to see sanskar by cupping his face sanskar ur came ur fine ur fine. She hugged him in tears

Sanskar: Ha I am fine but wts this swara

Swara:( blood is oozed out from the mouth) woh I took poison

Sanskar shocked panic "poison y swara y u did this

Swara: I love you sanskar I can't let anyone be on ur place soo I took this decision I wanna die as ur wife

Sanskar crying badly "noo swara

Inspector: take her to hospital first

Raglak rushed ND got the car sanskar lifted swara in his arms ND placed her in car

Swara is on his laps

Lucky is driving ND rags sat beside him

Rags: Sanskar don't let her faint make her wake up

If she faith it will be hard to save her

Sanskar:( shocked) swara is semi-conscious her eyes are closing

Swara plz don't leave me

Swara grabbed his collar in pain she is breathing heavily) sanskar plz don't cry

I love you more even I die I am happy

Tu meri mannat Ho sanskar meri eki mannat tum ho woh Puri hogaya

In now I gonna die in ur arms

I am the luckiest wife in this world

U full filled my every dream sanskar

Sanskar: Noo how can you leave nee swara you promised that you won't leave me naaa

I need you swara I can't leave without you my love

swara; no yu have too nd plz don't waste your life in revenge nd all it's all my mistake to trust that sathvik soo I am paying back

sanskar;(tears) I don't need anything I only want you swara

swara; (tears about to faint ) I am all urs sanskar

u made my every second so beautiful with ur love

Swara: ( breathing heavily) I wanna see ur smile sanskarrr. Plz give a smile maa

Sanskar is broken down

Swara: Plz one smile sanskar plz pa..... pa patidevvv

Sanskar gave a smile fade

Swara smiled in tears I love you sanskarrr I love you she lost the grip on his shirt

Swara dropped her hand her pulse fallen ND she dropped to coma

Screen freezes on unconscious swara n crying sanskar 

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