Arguements (Perrie)

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A/N: Her

P: I can't be asked to deal with you y/n
Y/n: I don't get what I've fucking done so accusing me isn't going to help
P: You do know what you've done you are just denying it!!
Y/n: How can I deny it if there's nothing to deny Perrie for fucksake!!
P: For godsake y/n I don't get why you won't own up to it
Y/n: Why don't you enlighten me and tell me what the fuck I've done
P: You are in a relationship
Y/n: So are you but do you see me complaining
Y/n: What happened between us is in the past we agreed to move on from it I have but clearly you fucking haven't
P: It's hard to move on from someone you still love y/n
Y/n: You moved on before me so how the fuck does that make sense
P: Your right it doesn't make sense and I love Alex I do
Y/n: So why does me being in a relationship effect you then if you love him
P: Because for godsake it's hard to move on it's hard to forget all the memories we had
Y/n: I get that I do but for fucksake getting annoyed at me for being in a relationship after you do you really think that's way forward Perrie
P: Y/n do me a favour
Y/n: Let me guess and fuck off
Y/n: Job done you don't have to bother with me anymore I'm over you and your bullshit bye Perrie!!
P: Bye and don't come back
Y/n: I won't because there is nothing to come back to bye now!!

A/N: Sorry to any Alerrie fans out there ❤️❤️

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