Chapter 2

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Sapphire couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at all the exciting commotion around her.

Kids were playing in the park, girls were playing volley ball in the sandy outdoor court, adults talked under the big oak trees out of the blazing summer sun, and the old folk sat at the tables sharing stories to the ones Sapphires age.

Sapphire didn't know where to begin and Sara, the twelve year old girl, called over to her.

"Come on Sapphire, I want to introduce you to my friends." And they went to a group of girls watching the volley ball game. They were sifting their bare feet in the sand.

"Ooh, it's so soft." Sapphire crooned as she sifted her hands in the sand. She then took up a handful and lifted it up to her mouth to see if it tasted soft. Sara quickly moved Sapphires hand out of range but she still got sand in her mouth. Sapphire quickly spit it out and tried to wipe it out of her mouth. "Taste like hard tiny rocks!" She whined.

"Wait here." Sara said to her and ran off to get some water. She comes back with a plastic cup. "Swish some water in your mouth and spit it out, don't swallow it."

Sapphire grabbed the cup desperately and poured water into her mouth, swishing and then spitting it out onto the grass. She continued this procedure until the water was all gone.

"Phew!" she gasped "I'm never doing that again!"

One of the girls came up with a long stick. "Let's draw a big picture in the sand."She said "It would be cool if we all worked on a picture of an animal."

"What should we draw?" another girl asked.

"Let's draw a Pegasus with a unicorn on its head." suggested Sara, and the other girl agreed.

"Why not a dragon?" Sapphire said. "Dad says dragons are more strong and very smart, more better then the Pegacorn."

The girls stared at the little girl with wide eyes.

"Truthfully..." Sara said slowly. "Dragons are more of a boy kind of thing.

"There are girl dragons too, not just boy ones silly." Sapphire smiled. "Pegacorn is just one type of species, dragon are many types. "Let's draw a pretty girl dragon!" The idea seemed to satisfy the girls and they agreed who would draw what parts.

The whole group worked together making curves in the sand, pointing out things that could be improved, and adding ideas on how to make the dragon look more girly.

Sapphire ran to an oak tree grabbing the biggest leaf she could find, she also got some stones and bark and found a colorful piece of plastic. Sapphire ran back to the group of girls who had just finished their drawing in the sand.

Sapphire placed the big green oak leaf where the spade of the dragon's tail would go. She then placed bark where the claws would be.

She put the stones that were the size of her palm, in place of the belly of the dragon and put a small stone on its face for the nose. Then she put the blue piece of plastic where the eye was.

Sapphire ran out and got a few sticks and leafy branches that she raked across the dragon's body, making scale like markings.

She took a not so leafy stick and laid it out the side of the dragons head, giving it antlers. She broke some parts of another stick and gave the dragon pointy teeth. She then used the branch as the dragon's fire coming out of its mouth.

And finally she used a fanned out branch as wings as she placed them correctly on the back of the dragon's shoulder blades.

Sapphire stood back and looked at her art work. "All done." She said out of breath, and she wiped imaginary sweat off her forehead.

"That looks really awesome." Sara said, amazed at what the girl almost half her age did.

"Sapphire knows a lot about dragons." She boasted.

Just then a soccer ball smashed into the art piece and a group of boys trampled over it in pursuit of the ball.

"Hey!" Sara yelled at them in shock. "We worked hard on that! You didn't even say sorry or excuse me!"

The boys busted out laughing and continued their ball game.

"How dare they?" Sara grumbled as her face grew hot. She looked back at Sapphire who gazed down at the mess shaking. "Don't cry Sapphire." She stopped and realized that she wasn't crying but trying to hold in her giggles.

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Sapphire laughed uncontrollably, tears in her eyes. "Boys think they're so funny!" and with that she ran off after the group of boys.

Sara watched as Sapphire managed to catch the ball and run off with it with the boy chasing right behind her, then she ran into the girl's bathroom with the ball.

Sapphire came out a few moments later with a smug smile on her face. The boys glared at her and she said "Say your sorry or you never see Mr. Soccer ball ever again."

They apologized grumpily. "You don't sound sorry. Now you have to give me your dessert or no ball."

After a shocked response, they just left her without the ball.

"Will everyone please come to the tables so we can say a blessing on the food?"an adult said on a microphone.

"Come on Sapphire!" called Sara. "Megan was able to get a picture of our art work before the boy destroyed it." She said as Sapphire ran up.

She smiled "Make sure to get a copy for dad and mom." she asked and Sara nodded.

They said the prayer and ate all sorts of food. They played and talked with each other until the sun was starting to go down.

Sapphire was able to go home with a plate of deserts.

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