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We had entered into what seemed like a town. It's quite amazing to see how large this new "world" is. There were a few people walking through the streets. They seemed content with life, something that I was unable to understand.

When walking around, I started to feel self conscious. I started to stare at the ground, glancing at the wound on my left arm once in a while. Please don't let anyone see it. Please don't let anyone see it.

I wasn't able to distinguish the other thoughts rushing through my head. I wanted to get away from here. Away from public. It would be so much better to hide back in my room and stay in bed, where I could be by myself and not be a bother for anyone. Right... I can't go back to my room anymore.. Instead, I just settled for gripping Rose's hand a little bit harder and clenched my other hand in an effort to calm myself down.

It was obvious that Rose noticed my uneasiness, but she didn't say anything. I don't know how long or how far we walked, but when we stopped, it was in front of a small clinic.

"We'll clean up the wound first," she said with a very gentle voice.


She took me inside and there was a young man sitting at the front desk. He glanced up from his computer and did a small smile as a greeting.

"Hey, Rose. How are you doing?" His deep voice only brought more fear to me.

Please don't talk to me, too. Please don't talk to me. I don't want to say anything. Please don't see my arm. Please don't ask me if I'm okay.

I know that there is something wrong with me. It's not normal to think these things while meeting someone new or even think these things while doing something as simple as walking around. I wish I could be normal.

"Hey, Jordan. I need a little help here."

"What's wrong?" I lifted my head to glance at the man for a second. I could see his blue eyes looking at me. It only made me feel more uncomfortable.

"Um..." Rose just gestured towards me.

He stood up. He seemed pretty tall. About 6 feet tall. He pushed his chair back and walked over to me. "Let me see it." He tried to make his voice sound concerned.

"I...." I put my left arm behind my back.

"Please," He leaned down a bit to make direct eye contact with me. His black short hair only made his blue eyes stand out more.

I know he wouldn't leave me alone and it would be better for myself if I got this treated, so I showed him my wound.

He took a hold of my left hand and looked at the wound carefully. He didn't flinch when seeing it or appear queasy. I guess he to it since he works at a clinic, afterall. Blood and gore were a part of his daily life.

"She just got here, didn't she?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah... I figured that she needs this cleaned first, though."

I felt a bit grateful that they weren't asking me any questions.

"I'll let you borrow a room to clean it," he said. "It stopped bleeding already, but put some bandages on it." He let go of my hand.

"Thanks." Rose lead me to one of the clinical rooms and I sat down on a chair. The room just seemed like a normal hospital room with a bed on the side with several hospital equipment attached to it. The other side of the room had a few chairs and there was a computer attached to the wall with a sign "Authorized Use Only". There was a sink in the corner that had a few cabinets at the top and bottom of the sink.

She let go of my hand and walked over to the sink. I just stared at the floor and studied the tiles. I heard the sound of the sink being turned on for a while and knew what she was doing.

There was a small pause when she turned off the faucet and then she walked over to me. She knelt down and placed a warm damp cloth over my left wrist and began to wipe off the slightly dried blood. She didn't say anything while doing so.

"What is this place? Is it heaven?" I almost paused when asking that.

A smirk arose on her face. "What is heaven?" Her response was obviously sarcastic. "That's some shit from fairytales that they sugarcoat the term 'death' with."


Rose sighed. "I don't know. However, I wouldn't call this place 'Heaven'." She didn't continue her explanation. I didn't bother to ask anymore about it.

After wiping the blood, she brought the towel back to the sink and I heard the sound of the faucet turning back on. It turned off after a while and she came back with a first aid kit.

She opened it and took out some white medical bandages and a small pack that contained a wet wipe soaked in disinfectant alcohol.

"It might hurt," she warned me as she tore open the pack and wiped my arm with the cold towel. I could feel the sting of it, but it didn't make me wince.

I could see the concern on her face when I didn't even make a sound or change facial expressions.

"Why do you care?" I asked her.

She stopped for a second. "Well..." she resumed cleaning the wound. "I just want to help you."


"I believe that everyone should get a chance to heal and try to be happy at least once."

"But you don't even know me."

She threw away the towel. "I know." She took out the white medical bandages and began to wrap it around my wrist. "Nothing is wrong with helping someone in need, though."

When she finished wrapping it, she held my hand softly. "I know that this is painful. I know that what you experienced out there is something that people shouldn't have to experience."

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes again.

"It's okay to cry, you know. Release your emotions." She hugged me gently as if she knew that I was fragile and about to break.

Sobs escaped my mouth and the tears fell down my face. "It did hurt," I managed to choke out.

"I know."

"I didn't mean to be a disappointment."

"I know. You weren't."

To all of the self deprecating things that I said, she said comforting and sympathetic words that only made me more emotional. When I started hyperventilating, she told me to take deep breaths.

I wish she was around earlier. Maybe then I wouldn't have done what I did to myself. 

The Island: AfterlifeWhere stories live. Discover now