The place is Hell.

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Abigal walked into the college. Right away, she noticed the tacky furniture and the out-dated carpeting. She continued to list off all the things that needed to be changed when she heard her named being called.

"Abigal Rodgers," called a cute, short lady with a small bun. The small woman's look just brought a small smile on Abigal's face.

"That's me," she responded.

"Here you go, ma'am," she smiled and handed Abigal a key. The key was to her dorm, 409. 

Abigal returned the smile and accepted the key. She began walking trough the halls, up to a few stairs, and into the dorm. 

She walked inside, and Jesus Christ, the place needed mad redecorating. She scrunched her nose, but she couldn't focus on that right now, she needed to get unpacked and shove her face into the pillow she had brought from home. She had been arguing all day with her mother about useless, petty topics. It was who her mother was though, even if it was exhausting, she loved her regardless. She unpacked slowly, taking well over an hour. Right when she was hanging her last Les Mis poster the door opened.

She probably wouldn't have even noticed the other woman walking inside if the said woman wouldn't have fallen over her own two feet and onto the ground.

Abigal spun around, frankly startled at the sudden noise. There stumbled up the most adorable and beautiful person she had ever seen. The woman who had fallen had dark brown, curly hair with huge blue eyes. She looked over at Abigal, who was comparable to an extremely red tomato at this point and smiled.

She took out a small notebook and quickly wrote down something inside. She tore out the paper and handed it to Abigal, who quickly accepted the paper. 

In messy handwriting, it said "Martha. That's my name. And you?"Abigal cocked an eyebrow to the other and asked, without really thinking beforehand, "Are you deaf?" Martha snorted and shook her head. She took the paper from Abigal and wrote again, "I'm not deaf. Just don't talk much. I feel more comfortable "talking" like this." Abigal's face flushed from embarrassment, "Oh, so-- yeah I get it. Well, I'm Abigal. Nice to meet you, Martha." She spoke with a smile, that Martha returned.

That smile. It just was beautiful. It fit the other's chubby body and face so well. Martha kept that smile as she unpacked. And it was killing Abigal. About thirty minutes of being a flustered ball of a homosexual mess, her phone buzzed. 

From: Jacky

Message: Hey Abby!! How's your dorm room? You have a cute girl??

Abigal smiled. Oh, John, or as she called him, Jacky. Her "Gay Best Friend". He was an attractive figure, with a head of curly hair that was always up in a half-assed bun, which always allowed everyone to see his face full of freckles and scars. They had collected over the years, most from his dermatillomania (a disorder both of them have and first began bonding over), and some from childhood adventures. 

To: Jacky

Message: John, you don't even know, she's making the place Hell.

From: Jacky

Message: The place /is/ Hell, Ab.

To: Jacky

Message: Deep. Anyways, does your roommate meet your homosexual desires?

From: Jacky

Message: He's so straight it's actually painful if I'm being honest. 

To: Jacky

Message: RIP you'll just have to get a job at a gay ass coffee shop and wear pink. Attract all the men.

From: Jacky

Message: Fuck you. 

Message: But like really

Message: Now that you've mentioned it, coffee sounds good.

To: Jacky

Message: Let's meet at that small coffee shop, the one with that v nice looking barista

From: Jacky

Message: lol gay

Abigal just rolled her eyes and began walking to the coffee shop, leaving Martha to continue unpacking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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