Chapter Eleven.

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It has been a week since I first started working at Meyer Enterprise, being his assistant isn't really that bad. I honestly thought it would be worse.

I have barely seen Harry, he hasn't managed to come home for too long; I think the longest he was at the house was Sunday when he accidentally slept in. I haven't really been too concerned about it, I am more concerned about the prenup we are yet to discuss and the fact that I am meant to go to New York with Logan next weekend. Logan said it had something to do with a charity event and clientele, I didn't get the logistics of it. All I one-hundred percent know is that it will be three days in New York, two of those days strictly for business and the third a free day.

I step into the house and wander into the living room where I am surprised to view Harry.

"You finally decided to come home," I comment with a raised brow, unsure of why he is home so early. It is eight at night and I wasn't anticipating him to even think about leaving the office until at least two in the morning. He nods, his eyes dropping back to his laptop. I only assume he is working and going over a client's portfolio for the night.

"I need to go to New York this weekend," I inform him, not even bothering to ease him into the idea smoothly, either way, he is going to have his fit and make it known that he is more than likely against the idea. I know him far too well to even think for a second that he will be forthcoming and accepting of a business trip. His eyes immediately gaze up at me with their dark silvery luminosity narrowing on me as he bites his tongue. He doesn't say anything, he just continues to stare at me with a displeased look. "Are you going to say anything?" I question, his silence not settling well with me.

His silence is like the calm before the storm. You think everything is perfect and serene, no wind, no rain, a small ray of sunshine peeking through the eclipsed clouds, then abruptly it is a twister of a substantial downpour and tremendous winds with rolling thunder.

For a moment, I think he is going to keep calm and collected, but he proves me wrong the moment he opens his mouth. "I think the fuck not." He bluntly answers, shaking his head at me disapprovingly.

"Ha-" I am promptly cut off before I can say his name.

"I think the fuck not, Elise. Don't even bother trying to 'Harry' me. No!"

I sigh as he pushes his laptop lid close with a rage of frustration. He stands to his feet, continuing to shake his head as I cross my arms and raise a brow.

"Are you done with your fit?"

"Elise. This conversation is over."

"Like hell it is." I shake my head, accompanying him as he wanders to the kitchen. "We are going to discuss this," I comment, watching as he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. His hand twists the cap with ease and he stares over at me.

"There is nothing to discuss, you are not going."

It is not very often he forcefully tells me, 'NO' he isn't usually unreasonably possessive or against my concepts and ideas. But, anything to do with Logan he is always on edge about now that we are working together. At some point in time, he will have to get over his bad blood.

No matter what I say, it will lead to an argument, Harry is not going to win this disagreement, I don't stop him from his business trips, I trust him fully not to do anything stupid with his assistant....

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"Drop your pants," I mutter while rather enraged with harry and his ridiculous antics and whines. We have been at it for at least an hour and I am getting sick and tired of going in circles.
He is relentless and I am not giving in.

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