Chapter 6

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Wang Yuan's POV

I wonder what Xiao Li's doing. She must have been mad. She-

"Yuan Bear?" Makayla said, poking my cheek.

"Huh??" I wasn't paying attention to what she had said.

"I asked you what we should do." She smiled, trying hard to be cute.

"Oh uh... I don't know." I shrug.

Qin Qin and Qian Xi come downstairs.

"You guys want to do some karaoke?" Qian Xi asks.

I nod.

"Xiao Li!" Qin Qin calls.

"Yea??" Xiao Li yells.

"Wanna come do some karaoke?" She asks.

"I'm coming!" Xiao Li yells back. I heard her bedroom door open and the sound of her footsteps fill my ears.

"C'mon Qin Qin! I want to sing with you!" Qian Xi says.

"Ok, ok! We're singing in pairs now?" Qin Qin asks.

"Why not?" He shrugs in response.

"Yay! You can be MY partner, Yuan Yuan!!" Makayla giggles, happily.

Xiao Li comes down and sits next to Qin Qin. She doesn't even look at me.

That hurt. I really wanted to sing with her. I never had, and I think our voices would sound pretty good together.

"You can sing along with me after Qian Xi and I go." Qin Qin offers. Xiao Li shrugs.

"Or me." I suggest, giving her a smile.

"It's whatever." She answers, not even glancing at me.

Qin Qin and Qian Xi went first. They sang 是你 or It's You.

After they were done, I glanced over at Xiao Li.

"You wanna go now?" I ask.

"Sure." She says, shrugging.

We started the song which was 青春修炼手册 or Manual of Youth.

"跟着我 左手 右手一个慢动作," I started.

"右手 左手 慢动作重播," She sang like an angel.

"这首歌 给你快乐,你有没有爱上我," We sang together.

We sang for awhile longer and the song ended. I gave her a smile.

She didn't say anything and sat down. Makayla crossed her arms.

"I thought I was gonna sing with you!" She whined like a little brat.

"How about next time? I don't wanna sing right now." I say, irritated.

I was pretty upset that Xiao Li didn't say anything. But I was doing this for her.

'It's worth it.' I told myself.

~Next Day At School~

Li Mei's POV

Qin Qin and I quickly ran to class.

"Hurry up! It's about to ring!" She cried, running faster.

We ran into the classroom and sat down in our seats.


The bell rang right on time. Qian Xi and Junkai both had started their warm-up. But where was Wang Yuan?

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