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Frank's POV
My eyes stung as I opened them. I turned on my side to punch my alarm clock off, and got ready for school.

"Hey Frank! Wake up ya big disgrace!" My step dad, Richard or "Rick", yelled at me from downstairs. I reluctantly got out of bed and rubbed away sleep from my red eyes, I had forgotten why my eyes were red then I looked down at my bruised arms

Oh ya. Rick destroyed you last night.. cried yourself to sleep, ya little wimp

God, I have no idea why my poor mother , who deserves a better husband than that abusive jerk, is still with Rick. He finds it "fun" to hit me. He got away with selling me into child prostitution last year, and now he gets away with hurting me.

I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a Smashing Pumpkins t-shirt, and a pair of faded black converse. I looked even better when I added some semi-thick eyeliner and red eye shadow, I anxiously bit on my lip ring as I looked in my full length mirror

"Morning mom," I kissed my mom on the cheek as I walked into the kitchen," Rick." He glared at me as I sat down, I had missed a "job" last night, and he was still pissed even after hitting me.

"Frankie, please, please don't get expelled from this school. Belleville High School is the last option," mom sighed as I made a cup of coffee, I didn't even really like coffee that much but I knew I would need my energy today," I still can't believe you threw a book at a teacher's head!"

I shrugged it off and put my empty mug in the sink," Hey, he was asking for it, plus I was aiming for his desk not his head." Rick grimaced at me and shoved my backpack into my arms.

"Ok, let's go. I have to drop you off at school before I go to work." Rick shoved me into his car and sat in the driver's seat. We drove in silence until Rick started talking about how I lost him $300 from a wealthy pervert who got their kicks from renting teenage boys from the internet," You are such a disappointment! If you miss another appointment, I'm throwing you out on the streets where you can killed by some freak druggy."

I flipped off Rick, and jumped out of the car. I made my way to the office to collect my time table and planner.

"Hello! You must be Frank Iero, right?" A lady behind a large oval desk looked up at me with a very wide smile, she had blonde hair, red glasses, and she was wearing an olive green cardigan over a white button-down shirt.

"Um, ya." I tapped my finger on the table top as the secretary riffled through a file with my name on it.

"Ah! Here you go, have a great first day!" She smiled widely at me as I walked out examining the time table, I had Spanish 1st period then music 2nd, 3rd period is math, 4th history, and 5th I have art.

I walked through the crowded halls to Spanish, I kept my books and stuff in my backpack because I really didn't plan on going to my locker this year.

"Holã class, welcome back! So, let's get started, for those of you who are new, I am Senoritã Mendeaz or Miss Mendeaz which ever you would like to call me!" The rest of the day droned on, during 4th period history, I finally came to my senses when a very attractive guy walked into class. He was wearing a white button-down shirt under a black vest, he wore black skinny jeans that showed his curves, and around his neck was a sleek black tie. He talked with Mr. Stafford for a while in a low whisper, he then shot a glance twords me, and a smirk spread across his lips.

I blushed like crazy, and quickly continued to write down notes. The attractive teacher soon left the room with a vanilla-colored folder that had my name clearly printed in bold, black letters. The bell soon rang, signaling us to go to 5th period. I shoved my book into my bag, and quickly rushed to art. When I got to the classroom, a strong smell of paint rushed at me making my eyes tear up a bit. As students started to fill the room, people started chatting with their friends or texted on their phones. I sat alone until a boy with long black hair sat next to me smiling

"Hi! I'm Kellin, are you new?" I nodded and decided to try and make a friend,

"I'm Frank." Kellin and I talked for a bit, he told me about how the art teacher, Mr. Way, was really attractive. Kellin also asked me to meet him after school so I could meet his friends, I was about to deny the request because of my "job" tonight, but Mr. Way walked in, sort of slamming the door behind him

"Welcome back class! I hope you all had a great summer, I know mine was shitty," The class went silent as Mr. Way scanned over a list," ah! Mr. Iero, welcome to Belleville, hope the other teachers aren't total dick heads." Mr. Way smiled at me, causing my face to heat up.

I stiffled a small laugh as I answered," Well, teachers are normally douches anyways." Mr. Way assigned work for the class, and called me up to his desk

"Ok Frank, this year we're gonna be working with stuff that we learned last year. If you want, you can stay after school for some 'catch up' lessons." I bit down on my lip ring as I stared at my hands

"Oh, um, sorry Mr. Way. I can't stay after school for anything, I have um, work, after school." Mr. Way raised an eyebrow at me as he fixed some papers on his desk

"Every day?"

"Y-yeah.. I have to work a late shift at the, uh, um, grocery store." I bit down harder on my lip ring letting the hard metal hurt my teeth.

"Okay... um, well Frank, is there anyway you can get a day off? I mean, your boss should understand?" I finally looked up, and tried not to blush as Mr. Way stared into my eyes.

"Not unless I wanna be destroyed" I muttered under my breath, and sadly Mr. Way heard,

"Hhmm? Sorry what did you say Frank?" I blushed like crazy as I realized that he had heard.

"Oh, um.. nothing" Mr. Way looked at me with concern and confusion on his face. He told me to stay after class, and that I could go back to my seat

"Dude what was that?" Kellin and I were packing up our things, and I told him to go ahead, and that I would meet him later.

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