☽Silent Echos ★ Spencer Reid☾

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He roughly tosses her into the van before forcing her to drink water which was so obviously laced with something because she could feel herself passing out not very long after the bitter tasting liquid slipped through her pink lips.

Spencer wakes up and looks around the empty hotel room, curious as to where his best friend and crush Y/N was.

So he decided to call her, starting to worry when he heard her cell phone ringing from the little table between the two beds. Maybe she just went back to the police station where the team was?

He decided to call Hotch knowing that him, Rossi, J.J and Morgan all stayed behind tonight to try and figure this out.

He answers after two rings "Hello Reid, you need something?"

"Uh, I was just wondering if Y/N was there with you guys? She isn't anywhere in our room and her phone is here as well as everything else." Spencer replies, hoping she just went there after not being able to sleep at night and nothing happened to her if she chose to go on a walk alone.

"No she isn't here do you think maybe she went to the hotel cafeteria for food or something?" Hotch asks.

Spencer is still scanning the room for anything before spotting a note on the dresser "Maybe, I found a note hold on I'm going to read it." he says before opening the note and scanning over it quickly.

It was in her handwriting and it read;

"Spence, I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. I'm probably going to walk down to the little park that's not too far from here I figured I should leave a note since I know how much of a worry wort you can be sometimes. I hope you know I'm kidding by the way I actually love that you worry about me. But just incase you wake up before I get back I left you this, though you probably won't be awake before I'm back since I'll only be gone twenty minutes or so. ~Y/N"

He's not sure how long it's been so he tells Hotch "She went on a walk by herself to the park, she said she should be back within twenty minutes or so, I'll see if she's at the park and then let you know."

"Alright, Prentiss just made it to the station so everyone's here but you two hopefully she's there.." his supervisor trails off.

"Bye Hotch, I'll call you if she's not.." Spencer says before hanging up and grabbing his coat and gun, running out the door and to the elevator.

He exits the elevator and rushes out the main hotel doors and starts jogging towards the park Y/N said she'd be in and once he gets there he freezes, noticing that the park is empty and barely noticeable to probably any one else, underneath one of the swings the rocks were strewn around, looking like someone had a struggle so he rushes over to it.

His heart drops the minute he sees the necklace with her name on it lying under the swing, obviously being ripped off of her. He picks it up and rushes to the station to tell the team.

Once he makes it to the station he busts through the door and says "She's gone. She's gone. She can't be gone. Why her?"

"Woah slow down Pretty Boy how do you know?" Morgan asks his friend, worry lacing his voice.

Criminal Minds x Reader One Shots.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt