"I...I..." Wang Yuan stutters, looking down at his feet.

Wang Yuan's POV

I don't want Xiao Li to die. I love her way too much. But I don't want to date Makayla.

'Now's not the time to be selfish, Wang Yuan. Xiao Li's life is at risk.' I thought to myself.

"Well?" Addison says with an evil smirk on her face.

"Fine. But no physical contact." I say, disgusted.

"No, but I want to hold your hand and hug you, Yuan Yuan!" Makayla whines like a 3 year old. I rolled my eyes.

"How about just no kissing?" Addison asks, crossing her arms.

"...Fine. And you promise not to hurt Xiao Li?" I say, angrily looking her in the eye.

"Cross my heart. And if you tell anyone about this, Li Mei will die." Addison says with satisfaction and walks off.

"Yuan Bear!!" Makayla giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I stand there in disgust.

"Let's go to lunch." I say, quickly walking in front of her to the cafeteria.

Li Mei's POV

I saw Wang Yuan enter the cafeteria with Makayla. Wang Yuan sat down next to me.

"Li Mei. I'm gonna need you to move. I'm Yuan Yuan's girlfriend now and that is MY seat." Makayla says, crossing her arms.

I turn to Wang Yuan, shocked. He turns his attention to his feet.

"Wang Yuan! Is this true?" I ask, doubting what Makayla had said. He paused.

"Can you just let Makayla sit in your seat?" He whispered.

I felt like I had just been stabbed in the heart with a knife. I took a deep breath.

"Fine." I say, getting up and sitting next to Qin Qin.

"Qin Qin. Will you come to the restroom with me for a second?" I whispered. She nods.

We get up and go to the restroom.

"I can't believe Wang Yuan starting dating her." Qin Qin said, shaking her head.

"Qin Qin. There's something I've never told you." I say, hesitantly.

Qian Xi's POV

"What happened?" I asked Wang Yuan once Makayla got up to get her lunch.

He says nothing.

"Dude, what happened?" Junkai asks him again.

He keeps his attention to his feet.

Junkai and I exchange looks and leave him alone. I'm pretty sure Wang Yuan likes Xiao Li. There must be something or someONE doing something to Wang Yuan.

Qin Qin's POV

I raised my eyebrow, wondering where this conversation is gonna go.

"What haven't you told me?" I asked.

"I like Wang Yuan." She answers, looking at her feet.

I didn't say anything as I was processing this information into my head.

"Why won't you tell him? He likes you too." I say.

"No, he doesn't. He has Makayla now. Plus, it would just be weird dating him." Xiao Li says, shaking her head.

I thought about it. There was no way Wang Yuan likes Makayla. There had to be something behind all of this...

~At Home After School~

Li Mei's POV

We all arrived at the house together. But guess what HAD to come with us? Yup. Makayla.

Jealousy boiled inside of me as Makayla held onto Wang Yuan's hand.

"I'm gonna go to my room." I grumble, stomping up the stairs.

Qin Qin's POV

I made eye contact with Qian Xi. I nodded my head towards the stairs and he got the hint.

We went upstairs into his room.

"Have you noticed something weird about Wang Yuan today?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Yea. There's no way he likes Makayla, he likes Xiao Li. So why would he start dating her all of a sudden?" Qian Xi asked, confused.

Sadly, I didn't have an answer to that question.

Wang Junkai's POV

I didn't have anything to do so I went to the cafe down the street. I ordered some cake and started to eat it. Then I noticed a girl sitting alone by herself on her phone.

She was gorgeous. She had her beautiful black hair tied into braids and she was wearing a nice dress.

I walked over to her and sat down with her.

"Hi, my name's Wang Junkai. What's your name?" I ask with a friendly smile.

"My name's Zhang Ming. But all my friends call me Xiao Ming." She looked up from her phone with a small smile.

"Why are you alone?" I ask. Dang it Junkai! That didn't sound too good.

"I'm meeting up with my friend. She's a bit late right now so I'm waiting for her." She says.

"Do you mind giving me your number? Maybe we can hang out?" I ask with a grin.

"Sure." She says. We exchange numbers and I go back to the house.


QOTD: What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

AOTD: Chocolate or Cookies and Cream!

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