Ch.13 | Truth

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"Ah, yes." He glanced to where the man had run off to, glaring for a moment. "We were friends back then."

"If you don't mind me asking, seeing as you were in Team Plasma, what happened?" The brunette had been waiting to find out. She just saw two grunts arguing - both on different sides, from what she could tell.

"Two years ago, Team Plasma split into a group that follows Lord N, who just wants to save pokémon, and a group that follows Ghetsis, who plans to take over the world." He explained the gist of it. Rosa had listened in awe, since it sounded like a plot from a book.


"You can hear the rest of the story in our home." She was taken aback by his friendly smile. This dude was from Team Plasma. Had she just stepped into an alternate universe?

Not at all skeptical, she agreed to stop by the ex-Plasma group's house, then the man left. After all, Manami seemed to be ok with his presence (she was actually a good judge of character), and Rosa really wanted to hear more of that story.

Sometime later, Rosa was given a Shell Bell from an elderly man since she was doing so well on her pokédex progress. Manami's eyes widened more than anyone thought possible and she tried to make a grab for the item. "C- Calm down!" Her trainer couldn't hold her still with all her wiggling. "Hold up a second!" With a sigh, Rosa took off the Eevee's Soothe Bell before replacing that bell with the other one. "This one is supposed to heal you a little during a battle." She smiled at the softer chime it possessed while she tied the strap around Manami's neck.

"Vee~!" Glad that the fox creature was satisfied, Rosa carried on with exploring the city. She paid a visit to the marketplace to see what they had, and what do you know, a woman in the same outfit as the ex-Plasma grunt was there selling essences. As the "newer" grunt had mentioned, people were indeed sending wary looks toward the ex-grunt. The woman likely wasn't having luck selling anything, so Rosa decided to buy a couple of the essences from her.

Once she exited the market, she glanced up to find a house on the hill up ahead. She remembered the dude saying that their house was on a hill. "Let's stop by for a visit, shall we?" Manami gave a nod.

Rosa followed the path, being led toward the steps,  before she made her way up. It seemed colder here, but she refused to put on her jacket. "Sir, that's the girl I was talking about!" Said girl noticed the ex-Plasma grunt from before with an older man. He eagerly approached her to give her a light push toward the man. Rosa relaxed, seeing as Manami wasn't acting up around them.

"So, you're interested in Team Plasma, are you?"

The brunette slowly nodded. "Uh, yeah."

The younger man returned to the elder's side. "If you hear what we have to say, you might be able to understand us." He gestured for Rosa to follow them inside, but the older man raised a hand to stop them.

"My friend," he referred to the girl, "wait a moment. I would like to see what kind of person you are,
with a pokémon battle. Do you find this acceptable?"

Rosa glanced down at Manami. "Yes." She answered.

"Where are my manners." He shook his head at himself, sending out a Herdier. "I am called Rood."

The grunt piped up. "I'm Levin!"

"Rosa." The brunette smiled before debating on which of her pokémon should fight. She was hesitant on letting Manami go, even as the small creature wiggled around in her arms. "Sorry, Manami, but let's allow Jano to take this one." The Eevee huffed in disappointment. Jano was sent out into the battle, bowing to his opponent.

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