Harry type 1 diabetes/hypoglycemia

Start from the beginning

"We're not stupid Harry, we have eyes" Niall raised and eyebrow at me and sat down beside me, "and we know when you're low."

"I know" I grumbled unhappily.

The guard nodded and shut the door, leaving us alone.

"Here, prick yourself" Louis tossed me the equipment. I sighed and shook my head, "we have fifteen minutes. Can we just finish up first?"

"Haz you're trembling" Liam pointed out, "just do it or I'll do it for you."

Yeah, no thanks. He wasn't very good at it which resulted in multiple stabs to try and draw blood. Louis was even worse.

I easily drew a drop of blood on my finger but Niall took the reader out of my hand before I could get anywhere near it. He took my hand next and finished it while I let out an irritated sound.

"Let me help you idiot. Look at your hands, I doubt you would've been able to get it yourself" Niall pointed to my hand and I clasped them into fist to stop the quaking.

I huffed, "...Thanks."

"Well unsurprisingly you're under. You'll survive at least but I bet you feel like shit right now yeah?" Niall looked over at me a he switched the little device off and packed it away.

"I'll tell Joe to bring us something sweet to eat and drink" Louis went over and opened the door to mutter to the guard. He knew I wouldn't want everyone hearing about it. I was just glad I didn't have to ask myself.

"He says it might take a few minutes but it'll be delivered soon" Louis returned, "are we ready to carry on? The faster we get this over with the faster we can get back to the hotel and sleep."

"Hazza?" Liam looked to me expectantly.

"I didn't want to stop in the first place" I answered. I stood up and gritted my teeth as a familiar light-headed feeling took over. I managed to keep my balance and my eyes unwavering so that the boys wouldn't notice.

"Send them in Joe!" Louis called. Instantly the door flew open and more people flooded into the room, squealing and crying and just making the room feel like a sauna. I was sweating.

Fifteen minutes had never felt longer. Each second ticked by like a decade and I was starting to feel less and less confident with each one. Between the headache, dizziness, and the people, it was all beginning to feel like it was suffocating me. The food still wasn't there and at this point even I knew I needed it.

"That's a wrap lads" Joe peeked his head through the door with a smile.

"Thank god" I said breathlessly as I pretty much collapsed onto the couch, shutting my eyes.

"How far away is that food?" Liam asked and I could tell he was getting anxious.

"I don't know kid, I thought it would be here by now. There must be a hold up somewhere" Joe replied apologetically.

"Tell them to hurry up, Harry's gonna pass out otherwise" Niall ordered. I felt Joe's eyes scan over me, "he looks sick."

"Yeah well, he needs something to eat" Louis huffed, "can I go myself and get something? I'll go quick."

Joe sighed loudly, "I guess, I'll come with you."

"Good, let's go."

The door closed.

"Hey Haz, sit up" Liam said from my side, "have a drink."

"Water doesn't help Li" I murmured in response, tucking my legs up instead.

"It'll help keep you awake though" he explained, "come on."

I felt like if I moved I would just die. My body was telling me to simply lay there completely still so making it cooperate as I tried to do what Liam asked was like trying to write with my wrong hand.

"That's it, here" Liam handed me a water bottle and I took a few sips just to make him happy.

"Ugh, I hate it so much when this happens" I complained, clutching my spinning head in my heads.

"If you'd come prepar-"

I shot a glare at Niall to shut him up. I didn't like to carry around food. It was bad enough having to lug the blood glucose kit around everywhere I went, I didn't want to add juiceboxes and friggin jelly beans.

I mean, it would've been nice to have right now but I'd ruined that for myself so I couldn't really complain.

Liam took the bottle back and I let myself fall onto his shoulder with a uncontrollable whimper. It really just slipped out. I was feeling way too dizzy to care.

"Hey, it won't be long now, Louis will be back soon." Liam rubbed my back. It felt good and managed to make me feel more anchored so I didn't bother trying to get out of his hold.

It must've been five minutes later that the door flew open. I jumped in fright and groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and grabbing onto Niall's shirt.

"I found a vending machine!" Louis exclaimed as I tried to fight the lightheadedness away. Packets crinkled for a few seconds and then there was a bottle against my lips. The smell almost made me gag. It wasn't that it smelled bad, I was just a bit sensitive. I'd been hungry before but I didn't really feel like eating at all any more. It was always like that though, when I was younger it resulted in hospital visits.

Not this time. I opened my mouth and let the drink be poured into my mouth. The taste was overwhelming and I had to quickly swallow before my throat closed up.

A few more sips and I opened my eyes, knowing that I'd be feeling better soon. Everything was still spinning awfully quickly for the time being but I knew that it'd pass if I just got down some of the lollies Louis was holding.

I ate a few. I wasn't counting, I had no idea how many I got through before I decided that it would be enough and laid down on the couch, ready to fall asleep. I wouldn't die or anything dramatic like that in my sleep now that I'd had some sugar to raise my levels.

"No... Please don't sleep now" Niall whined, shaking my shoulder, "Harry..."

I ignored him.

"If he sleeps there we're not going to be able to leave" he said. I could just imagine the miserable look on his face, arms crossed over his chest like a kid packing a fit.

"True..." Liam sighed, "Harry, do you think you can just-"


"It's only a little bit-"


"We'll carry you if you want?" Niall suggested. I opened one eye questioningly, "we will, we will!" He repeated loudly, nodding his head like a mad man.

I sighed as if I was about to give in. Ha, losers. I wasn't moving.

Maybe I get a bit...Moody when I get these lows. I felt a bit guilty knowing that the others would have to hang around while I took my nana-nap but in all seriousness, a sleep would help me feel way better.


Cue groans of exasperation, "you suck dude."

I just grunted before dropping off.

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