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He was a very strange baby.

As soon as he was able to walk he would pace around his coat in the orphanage babbling constantly.

When he was given toys he would only pick the old plush lion that he had been given by his past mother.

The others would be pushed out if the coat.

The baby boy was mostly on his own. He was the fastest learner and by 11 months had already said his first word. 'write'

The nuns in the orphanage had taken a great liking to him much to the unknown jealousy of his other coat mates.

He was known for reading through book much past his age, even if he did not know what half the words meant.

One nun that had taken quite the liking to the small boy, even to the extent that she had named a small feral cat after him, was Martha Custis.

Martha had found the small boy at only a week old, at the side of a lake, near his mother's lifeless body. The boy had been sleeping and was almost frozen to death when Martha had spotted the as she took her daily stroll.

Now the boy didn't even know that Martha wasn't his mother. The boy was too young but my God did they know that his mind was older.

He was the first to learn how to speak and was the best writer even compared to the 14 and 15 year olds that had years of prior practice.

Though only four he had been through quite a lot. But each day the pile of paper pushed under his bed grew more and more.

Martha had kept a close eye on the boy, growing fonder and fonder of him each day.

She had endless mother's day and birthday cards from him. Many stories he had imagined and many he had heard and hated the ending, then rewritten it to have a better, more exciting ending.

He was never really one for happy endings. That was one thing about the boy that confused them all. He was only four but he knew that not everything ended happily.

And there he sat. All alone at the writing table, pen placed on paper and scratching random words into paragraphs.


There was to be an adoption day today and the usually dull orphanage was filled with chatter and happiness from hopeful orphans.

Martha hoped he would get accepted. The boy had written out several pages on why he should get adopted. Right now the boy in question was pacing up and down, reciting his lines in case anyone paid any attention to him.

The big doors swung open to show couples of different shapes and sizes, who flooded in, hoping to find the one.

A tall man, walked in looking around. He tapped Martha on the shoulder and as soon as their eyes met there seemed to be a piece of the puzzle that had fallen into place.

"Hello. What may your name be?" The man asked. Martha curtsied. "Martha. Martha Custis. And you?" "George. George Washington." George kissed the back of the smaller woman's hand, a light blush dusting across her face. 

The small boy tugged on Martha's shall, seeking attention. Martha looked down at him, a small smile on her face. "Mr. Washington. This is Alexander." Alex smiled up at George.

"Hello Mr. Washington. I'm Alexander and I may be four but my mind is older. I can read, write, I am almost fluent in French and Spanish, I can play piano and violin and I like chess." Alex rambled.

George grinned at the small boy. "Well aren't you a smart boy. I was looking for a right hand man actually. Would you like to be it?"

Alex's face lit up. "Really?! Oh thank you Mr. Washington! I promise I will not you down!" Washington smiled and lifted him up.

Martha smiled softly, blushing at the sight of the tall, dashing man in front of her. She would even leave the order if she felt needed to be with this man.

Alex knew this would be the right fit for him. Though he did not look the same as his new father, he like how he looked. How he smiled, how his head sort of shined in the lighting.

George smiled down at the small woman in front of him. He might have been naive but he felt that it was love at first sight.

The bell to sign adoption papers had runs and before it had started people were upstairs helping their new child or children pack.

Alex really had nothing to pack other than his old tattered teddy and his endless mountain of writings.

George had watched him pack in amazement. Martha was pained to see her 'son' go but she knew that if he grew up here he would loose his mind.

It wasn't until George pulled her to the side and gave her a small peck on the cheek that she knew that she had to leave the order.

"And youre sure it's possible Martha? I don't want you getting in trouble." Washington whispered, his eyes darting around to make sure their conversation was private.

Martha nodded. "There was an agreement and the agreement can be ended when a nun feels like it. I want to be with you Washington. I feel it was God's will." Washington smiled and nodded.

"Take care of Alexander's while I get the agreement terminated. He may be smart but he has a short temper and may not listen. But he is a good kid." Martha explained.

Washington kissed her forehead. "I have to go now. Farewell my love." And with that Washington and Alexander left, Martha with a new dream.

Yeah I know what you're thinking. You haven't even finished one of your fanfics and you're starting another.
I got the idea from the first line really.
I saw my lil bro pacing his cot and babbling and I thought of Alexander.
So yeah.
Hope you like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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