
716 16 4

Asshole with shit hair - 16:31
I didn't know you played guitar or that you were in the school band!

Asshole with shit hair - 16:32
You were amazing, congratulations!!

Luke Hemmings - 16:41
Really? I thought l looked like a nervous wreck.

Asshole with shit hair - 16:43
No babe!! You were so so good, I can't believe it!!

[you changed Michael Clifford's nickname to dickhead]

Dickhead - 16:48
Hey!!!! I'm not a dickhead

Dickhead - 16:49
But I would like your dick in my mouth.

Dickhead - 17:49
I'm so so so so sorry, that just slipped out.

Dickhead- 17:50
Well... more or less ;-)

Dickhead - 17:51
Haha just kidding.

Luke Hemmings -17:52
It's alright.

Luke Hemmings - 17:52
Sometimes I don't mind it when you're sexual with me.

Dickhead - 17:53
Well that's great news

Luke Hemmings - 17:54
I'll unblock you so we can text again, I'm using up all my data on here.

Dickhead - 17:55

Dickhead - 17:56
Listen Luke, I am really sorry about everything I said and I promise I'll make more effort with you okay?

Luke Hemmings - 17:57
Thanks Mikey :-)

Dickhead - 17:58
You added the nose!! Awwwww


This is such a short filler chapter, it's so so bad. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer breaks!!!!

ALSO— Should I do a character ask so you can ask the characters and myself any questions???????????????

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