"There he is!!"

"The Duke of Montrose. He's here."

"Mr. McRoy. Over here. Over here."

"How does it feel to be back home?"

"Is taking over the family business the only reason you're back stateside?"

"Where have you been Mr. McRoy?"

I didn't answer their flying questions, I was only focused on getting through the night without any probing mics in my face or any false sincerity. The crowded media began to get feistier when I continued to ignore them, their barricades were moving as they edged closer, throwing questions at me.  The team of six bodyguards moved closer to me giving me a hurried push to hurry my steps. Reaching the top a question reached my ear, "Is your engagement still on with Veronica Hurst?" 

"What the fuck is wrong with them?" I cursed aloud as we pushed our way to the lobby. Quickly I looked around for my parents, taking quick note of the curious glances throwing my way. It wasn't long before my parents came rushing down the stairs towards me with concerned looks. Our bodyguards brought us all closer forming a protective circle around us. Mother quickly pulled me into her arms, placing a kiss on my forehead, I naturally towered her but tonight she had help with some heels. "Mother. Father. What is going on?" I asked, "Why did they mention her so soon?"

They both stood silent, their eyes gave away their concern and their fury. Fury for something. Or someone. The last time they were both equally this pissed was due to an unsavory phone call. "Is she here with them?" I asked through clenched teeth. "Not to our knowledge but...." my father started only to be cut off by a sickly sweet voice.

"Sebastien!!! Welcome home sweetheart. Our prince has returned to the land of the living."

We all knew who it was, though we wanted to ignore her the rules of social standing kept us in check. Giving a subtle nod to my guards, they dispersed to inconspicuous locations for the night. "Oh I forgot just how important you all are." she tittered eyeing the guards. I stood before my parents, eyeing the elderly woman in a very bright yellow dress with too much jewelry and makeup for a woman her age. I knew her actual age and so do the circles she frequent in but she was in denial due to the many body enhancing surgeries she had. Giving her a faint smile, I took her hand to cordially bow to her. In return she tittered like a schoolgirl, giving me praises that I did not want to hear at the moment.

 "Oh my. Your parents have truly raised a gentleman. I shouldn't be surprised you were groomed to be a Duke after all." Her focus was on me, ignoring my parents and I knew why.

"Mrs. Hurst. Delightful to see you." I commented.

"Come now, Seb. Enough of the pleasantries. How have you been?"

"Perfectly well, ma'am and yourself? Oh, and it's Sebastien."

She was taken back by my response and my failure to get back into the wind of things. What did she expect? For all to be forgiven and lost?

"Fine. It's good to see you again darling. I've missed you around the house. Can I expect you for a visit?"

"It is grand that you are fairing well. I shall see you inside, I must see the pieces my mother has contributed." She was speechless at my verbal closure of her conversation, dutifully I bowed before her then joined my parents by the staircase.

"The audacity of that woman." my mother grumbled under her breath as my father and I escorted her into the ballroom. "They are all delusional," I commented for only them to hear. The unexpected encounter with Mrs. Victoria Hurst had me uneasy. My anxiety about attending the event was skyrocketing, I stayed close to my parents wanting to avoid any further conversation. No one approached me initially, I saw it in their eyes and actions that they wanted to know the reason for my absence but they didn't dare do so. No one disrespects Donovan McRoy.

Victoria kept her distance but glanced my way multiple times. What was she up to? I knew her kind. Always want what's best for their children no matter the consequences. I knew she will go above and beyond for her only daughter but I won't bite.

"Shall I greet you as Mr. McRoy or Your Grace? How about Sir Sebastien?"

I laughed uncontrollably at the amusing voice behind me, quickly turning to greet my old college friend Marlin Brighton. The now strapping man pulled me into a friendly hug before looking me over. "Home did you well," he said lowly. I nodded giving him the first genuine smile of the evening. He was the only one I stayed in contact with while I was in Prague. We became great friends, he made sure to distract me skillfully whenever I tend to dwell on Ronnie.

"Thanks for everything, my friend," I said sincerely.

"You would have done the same." he returned clapping me on the back. His blue eyes shone with happiness behind his thick-rimmed spectacles as he led me away from the crowd. We talked idly for a few before I brought up the proposal I sent to him three weeks ago. "Have you looked over the contract?" I asked nodding to a fellow guest who was looking our way.

"I did. Also my lawyers. Seb everything you offer for that current position is above any other company's. Are you sure about this?"

"I have thought it over. My father and I had a very good debate on it along with the other head positions in the company. I am sure. You and I have been friends since our first business class at Winthorp. I have seen your potential and know-how goal-oriented you are. We both have brainstormed with ideas we want to see become a reality. You will be perfect for this job."

I heard him sigh then his iconic low laugh whenever he was proven wrong. "Well?" I asked impatiently. Marlin stood before me with a grin on his face, "I accept." was all he said with an outstretched hand. I laughed at his stupidity accepting his hand. "Welcome to MacTech, Mr. CEO," I said.

"Thank you Mr. Chairman" he returned. I didn't feel guilty one bit that I offered him the position I once reserved for Dante. Marlin was one of a kind. That friend who was always there in the background, a silent friendship.

I filled him in on the latest issues at hand over a few drinks and at the same time became at ease with the curious stares. It was short-lived till Marlin swore loudly, handing me his whiskey sour. "The hell man." I retorted avoiding the spill that was about to happen.

"Exactly my way of seeing things. Turn around," he whispered harshly. I hated his tone, it was a warning but I did as he asked.

"Fucking hell." I cursed lowly, taking a hurried gulp of my new drink.

She couldn't hide. I knew that dark hair and waif-like body from a distance. Just like her mother, her blue eyes were predatory as she targeted me from across the room.

"What a homecoming," I muttered to myself leaving the room immediately.

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