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AU: Teacher!Brock x Substitute!Brian.

(I know most of their last names, but I wanted to change it up a bit. But I did keep some!)

Math: Evan Fong
Science: Jon Stephens
ELA: Brock Joseph
History: Scotty Barber
Vice Principal: Tyler Davis
Secretary: Marcel Rynolds
Subs: Brian Taxon, David Nagle, Lui Chaser
Principal: Craig Thompson


Third POV

Mr. Joseph sighed as his class settled in. Halfway through the school year and these boys still don't know their seating chart. As soon as everyone was seated, he began.

"Good morning class, now as you have realized, you have an new book on your desk. It is A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Groan all you want, but I didn't choose this book. Your Vice did."

A couple of boys smiled, and a few groaned in annoyance.

"Wasn't this guy like... Totally confusing?" A kid named Daniel said from the back of the room. "Which makes him a great author. I've read this before. Lucie Manette is the best." Another pupil spoke. The responses contained various, who's thats, what's, and agreements. Brock began to get tired of his restless class and slammed his hand down on the table.

"Now. I am not the strict teacher no one likes. That's Mr. Stephens. But I expect that you behave yourself in my classroom. I hated school at you age but I sucked it up and pushed through. Now," Brock straightened his tie and cleared his throat. "Open the manilla envelope on your desk. All work in there needs to be turned in by the Friday after we finish this book. We will have a test on it and I am certain, that some of this material will be on your E.O.Ts. So I suggest you lay attention."

He rounded his desk, sitting on the edge, opening his books, the boys following. He began to read, clearing his throat.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness."

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